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Restorative Yoga: 5 Poses To Balance Your Hormones

Restorative yoga is no different from the normal yoga; it helps to unwind, relax, and de-stress the mind and the body.

However, this yogic approach uses props to support your body in order to put minimum pressure or stress to perform the poses. Pillows, blankets, chairs, walls, towels, etc. can be used as a prop to support the body while performing the poses. The poses are also held for a longer duration than normal yoga postures.


With today’s stress-building lifestyle, hormone imbalance is a common condition in many individuals. Stress affects the body so deeply that cortisol levels (the hormone that plays a role in the body’s response to stress) increase dramatically, causing hormonal imbalance.

Restorative yoga can help restore the hormonal balance. It can be practiced by everyone, even the elderly and the physically challenged.


So, here are a few restorative yoga poses that you can try in the comfort of your home using props to support your body.

1. Fish Pose (Matsyasana)


The fish pose stretches the neck, chest, and shoulders, relieving tension in the muscles. It also eases respiratory disorders and promotes deep breathing. It is a great way to beat your everyday stress.




2. Legs Up The Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)


This is an inversion pose and improves the blood circulation. This pose can also ease anxiety, headaches, and other ailments like digestive issues that you may face on a daily basis. Provide your body enough support for this pose, for instance, a wall to support the legs and a blanket to rest the back.




3. Sphinx Pose (Salamba Bhujangasana)


This pose strengthens the spine and stimulates the abdominal organs. It relieves stress in the chest and shoulders and promotes blood circulation.



4. Seated Forward Bend Pose (Pashcimottanasana)

This pose is good to relax and stretch stiff back muscles. It also stretches the shoulders, spine, and hamstrings. It calms the mind and relieves stress, too. It also soothes headaches and reduces fatigue.



5. Corpse Pose (Savasana)

This is a position of rest and relaxation and is usually performed toward the end of the yoga session. It is one of the most effective yoga poses to relax and reduce stress.



So, every time you feel like you have had a long day at work or your problems are rising, give yoga a chance to heal your mind and body. Use these poses to fight stress and, in turn, balance your hormones.

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