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Strengthen Your Upper Back With Resistance Bands

Sometimes, it’s hard being a conscientious trainer. I mean, I’d love to compete with all those other fitness gurus out there who are killin’ the game and putting out nothing but brutal, super sweaty, hardcore workouts that are sure to get you super fit. (The world truly needs a sarcasm font, and that sentence is proof.) The thing is, most people love workouts like that because you can feel them working. All that sweat must be doing something, right?

But, the reality of the situation is that, you might want super sweat-fest workouts, but you also need slower moving, precise exercises that work on your stabilizer muscles.


Upper Back Resistance Band Workout

Upper back exercises with resistance bands might be one of the most important workouts I’ve ever put on YouTube, so that almost guarantees it will be one of the least popular. But, I posted it anyway, because I love my Killer Bs and I want the best for you (even if you don’t always want it for yourselves).

We’re working on gentle stretching of the chest muscles, toning of the rear torso (upper back) muscles, and improving balance with just a handful of simple exercises. This workout isn’t sexy. It’s not crazy fast-paced, and your heart rate isn’t going to go through the roof. But, it will make you stronger and more capable of doing those other types of workouts. And yay for that!


Difficulty Level: Beginner

The moves are uncomplicated and there is plenty of verbal explanation on the video. If you have significant trouble with your balance, you can easily modify the exercises by standing on both feet or standing close to something that will help you correct your balance.

You’ll need a flat resistance band (the tube kind with handles will work also), or you might do these exercises without resistance to work on shoulder mobility. Complete 20 reps of each exercise.


Unweighted Warm Up

20x each Arm Circles and Arm Crossers

Main Workout


Do you have a hard time making yourself do “less popular” workouts? I know lots of people do. It’s tough to move slow or finish a workout without feeling sweaty and spent. Balance workouts are like the dental flossing of the exercise world – super good for you, but just a little boring and kind of hard to see immediate benefits.

If that’s the case, you’ll enjoy following a plan that’s put together with all the elements to get the result you want and the stability work you need. Killer B Workout Guides take all the guesswork out of building a complete program, and guide you step by step through fourteen weeks of heart-pounding, muscle-building, stability-enhancing workouts.


And you know what? Even the not-so-exciting stuff feels fun when you’re working out with a friend – me!

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