10 Plants That Help Maintain The Perfect Climate And Air Quality Inside Your Home

Although ordinary houseplants are seen as decorations to make a house look lively, most will be surprised to know that these incredible plants have the uncanny ability to control and better the micro-climate inside our homes. This includes cleansing the air we breathe indoors, creating a cleaner atmosphere, balancing the humidity in the air, and even giving us oxygen. These qualities are extremely important for giving any home a suitable environment, especially for kids and people who suffer from allergies.

Presenting 10 stunning plants that can help better your house’s micro-climate and keep its temperature at a stabilized level.1

Plants That Absorb Moisture In The Air

1. Myrtus Or Myrtle


This is a plant that represents both pleasure and peace in Japan. In ancient folklore, this plant was considered holy, claimed to give the elderly their youth back as well as give passersby and travelers the good luck and energy needed to continue their journeys. In the modern-day world, medical studies have shown that it can turn its surroundings’ micro-climate into a livable one, as the phytoncides released by its leaves and flowers help kill harmful microbes in the air.

2. Coffee Shrubs


Among the 100 different types of coffee plants out there, people usually grow the popular genus of coffee shrubs, namely the Arabic or Congolese varieties, which provide different flavors of Arabica and Robusta coffee. Bearing fruits only in their 5th or 6th years, it is best to buy a fully-grown plant to reap those beans. Coffee shrubs need lots of water and a decent amount of shade. When kept indoors they are wonderful absorbers of excess moisture and release a wonderful tropical scent when they begin to flower.

3. Spathiphyllum Or Peace Lily


With a white curving hood around an inner stem, this flower is fondly known as “women’s happiness”, because it is believed to bring love and happiness to any home or space. Peace lily doesn’t just absorb the surplus of moisture in the air but also stabilizes the indoor temperature to a normal level and destroys spores of mold in the air, which often make us sick or make the air unhealthy. Make sure the plant is kept at a temperature of 18°C.

4. Citrus Limon Or Lemon Tree


The lemon tree is always a wonderful addition to your home garden or even to be kept at your window-sill. When the plant flowers, your home will be filled with a lovely lemony scent, while it sucks up the excess moisture in the surrounding air. The leaves of a lemon tree possess strong medicinal properties which sterilize the space it occupies. Ensure that your lemon tree is bathed in enough sunlight, is watered regularly, and is kept in loose and dry soil.

5. Laurus Nobilis Or Bay Tree


This prehistoric plant was once adored and chewed on by herbivorous dinosaurs who were fighting for survival against carnivorous dinosaurs like raptors. Those who fell prey to those predators were funnily enough already seasoned with the leaves of this plant, inside out. The bay tree is symbolic of majesty, glory, and victory. As a native to the subtropical regions of the world, it thrives best in the right amount of shade, moist air, and with enough warm water. When absorbing the moisture from the air, it normalizes the indoor climate of any home. Bay leaves are also used in various Asian dishes as an herb for that extra punch of flavor after they are dried in the sun.

Plants That Add Moisture To The Air

6. Sansevieria Or Mother-In-Law’s Tongue


Also called, devil’s tongue, bowstring hemp, snake plant, and snake tongue, this plant has as many cleansing properties as its names. It helps freshen up the air in a place, creates a large amount of oxygen, and counteracts the harmful smoke released by synthetic materials. As a very low maintenance plant, it retains a lot of moisture in its leaves and doesn’t need to be watered much. You can keep this plant in any corner of your home without worry.

7. Chamaecyparis Or False Cypress


In Japan, this variety of cypress is considered a sacred tree, because beliefs claim that the souls of the dead and their respective deities live inside them. But practically speaking, this evergreen plant is said to refresh your home, give it the needed moisture, and, also get rid of dust and dirt drifting in the air. It is also said to help ease migraines and headaches of those who are living with the plant indoors. False cypress needs lots of shade and to be watered regularly.

8. Cissus Or Cissus Creeper


This plant has most of the qualities of a creeper or ivy plant and quickly covers any supporting object with its leaves and stems and grows towards any source of light. Adapting itself to dry air, it provides the right amount of moisture to the air to normalize the micro-climate. However, this plant requires a lot of shade and a steady supply of water and moisture.

9. Kalanchoe Or Widow’s Thrill


As unique as its name, each plant of this variety look different from each other. Native to Madagascar, it is best kept in buildings with a dry environment, as it attracts moisture through its leaves and regulates the climate inside the space it lives in. Make sure this plant is not watered too much and is kept in a place which gets lots of sunlight.

10. Ficus


As a popular houseplant, it gives its surroundings additional moisture and lots of fresh oxygen. It has the natural ability to neutralize viruses, bacteria, and toxins in the air, as its leaves can scoop off a lot of dust. Thriving happily in any spacious home, this plant needs a lot of shade. Considered a symbol for Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, the popular types of this plant include the weeping fig or Benjamin fig, which was given its name to honor a famous British botanist. This plant is very easy to care for, grows very quickly, and doesn’t like excessive dry spells or too much watering.