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What Are The Natural Remedies For Treating Andropause?

Aging affects both men and women. In fact, just as women of a certain age (anywhere between 40s to early 60s) hit menopause, men in their early 40s or 50s go through menopause or andropause, too.

While Andropause isn’t an oft-heard term, there’s no denying that with age men also undergo physiological and psychological changes.


Natural Remedies for Andropause

Making healthy lifestyle choices and eating a healthy diet will help you maintain your strength, energy and lean muscle mass. The following steps might be helpful to alleviate the symptoms of andropause:


Exercise is one of the best natural remedies for andropause. Simple exercises daily for 20-30 minutes can do wonders. Walking and jogging are the best exercises.


Avoid alcohol and processed foods

Alcohol consumption should be strictly avoided. Avoid junk, fried and oily foods as well.


Oysters contain high zinc levels that help boost testosterone levels.



Avocados are high in both vitamin B6 and folic acid. Vitamin B6 will increase male hormone production, while folic acid is key in sustaining a high metabolic rate.


Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage have been found to lower estrogen levels. The smaller estrogen levels, in turn, is thought to increase the level of testosterone. Meanwhile, vegetables like asparagus are high in vitamin E, which is a natural antioxidant and stimulates the production of testosterone.



Ginger helps to reduce joint pains. Consumption of ginger tea is a good home remedy for treating joint pains and aches during andropause.

Stress Management

Stress management certainly works for those who are currently battling it out with male menopause. Stress is going to wreak havoc on your testosterone levels, while causing your body to secrete another hormone in its place – cortisol. This hormone actually primes your body for lean muscle mass loss along with fat gain, especially in the abdominal region while decreasing testosterone. 12


So, if you think you might be undergoing andropause or have low testosterone, it is advisable to consult with your doctor to determine the condition. With proper care and support, you’ll feel better in no time.



1 Rubinow, David R., et al. “Testosterone suppression of CRH-stimulated cortisol in men.”Neuropsychopharmacology 30.10 (2005): 1906-1912.
2 Aging changes in the male reproductive system. MedlinePlus
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