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6 Easy, Natural Fixes And Kitchen Cures For Sunburned Skin

6 Easy, Natural Fixes And Kitchen Cures For Sunburned Skin

Playing in the sun is fun provided you protect your skin with the sunscreen. But, sometimes, you end up playing too hard and forget to reapply the sunscreen you were supposed to hours ago. The result – the worst sunburn you can ever experience.

A mild sunburn only gives you a temporary discomfort while a severe can cause serious symptoms like swelling, blistering, fever, and dehydration.


If this sounds familiar to you, you need to do something to heal your skin from it. So, here are some easy and fast fixes that will help you ease your discomfort caused by your sunburned skin.

1. Apply Soothing Compresses


After a sunburn, your skin is inflamed and it may feel very sensitive. To ease the discomfort, go for ice water soaks. This can make your burn heal faster. Add a few ice cubes to tap water in a bowl; take a cloth and dip it in the water and lay it over your burn. You can repeat this several times during the day for 10 to 15 minutes.

You can also soak yourself in a cold water bathtub and let the cold temperature ease your sunburned skin. Be careful with soap, though, it may cause more irritation or may even dry your skin. After you are done with your bath, don’t forget to moisturize with a cooling cream!


2. Get Some Relief With Hydrocortisone

Hydrocortisone is available in the drugstore as creams, ointments, lotions, or even sprays. These are used to treat redness, swelling, itching, and discomfort of various skin conditions. You can ease your sunburned skin with the topical application of a one percent hydrocortisone cream or ointment. You can use it one to four times a day or even lesser if your skin feels better in two applications.


3. Soothe It With Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a perfect remedy for treating sunburned skin. It has moisturizing properties and can cool and soothe the skin at the same time. Studies have shown that using aloe vera on the skin can heal the burns much faster than other creams.1


You can purchase aloe vera gels or creams from the stores. If you have your own aloe vera plant, you can scrape the gel from its leaves with a spoon and apply it directly onto your skin. If your skin feels better with the ice cube application, you can add them to your ice cube tray and make your own aloe ice cubes for a faster relief.

4. Drink Water And Other Fluids


As much as it is important to keep your skin cool on the outside, it is that much more important to keep your body cool even on the inside. So, drink lots of water to bring cool your body. You can also drink other fluids like fresh juices like orange juice, pomegranate juice, or any other fruit juice of your choice.

5. Turn Down The Temperature


Whenever you have a sunburn, it is always better to turn the regulator of your fan or air conditioner up a bit. Turning down the temperature will allow your body to cool down faster than it would in a warmer place. So, one of the easiest things to do to feel better quickly is to be in a cool place.

6. Cool Your Eyes With Teabags

Sunburns can be quite a task to deal with especially it is the sensitive areas that get affected like the skin around your eyes. Because the skin near your eyes is very delicate, it is important to be more careful when you take care of a sunburn in the area. You can always place tea bags soaked in cold water onto your eyes and lie down for a while with your eyes closed.

So, heal your sunburns easily with these quick and natural ways. In fact, there is one tip that can solve any sunburn issue you have experienced – don’t make the same mistake twice – don’t go out in the sun without applying a sunscreen lotion or cream. Keep reapplying to protect yourself from the sun; if you feel a discomfort, don’t ignore it.

If these ways were not enough, here are some more ways you can heal your skin from a sunburn from things you use in the kitchen!

Some Kitchen Staples To Soothe Your Sunburned Skin

Here are some quick, easy ways to soothe your sunburned skin using some of your common kitchen staples.

So, if you ever end up with a sunburn instead of a sun-kissed skin, use these easy, natural fixes to treat your sunburned skin and remember, don’t go out in the sun for too long with applying a sunscreen lotion or cream.


1 Visuthikosol, V., B. Chowchuen, Y. Sukwanarat, S. Sriurairatana, and V. Boonpucknavig. “Effect of aloe vera gel to healing of burn wound a clinical and histologic study.” J Med Assoc Thai 78, no. 8 (1995): 403-9.
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