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5 Ingenious Ways To Prep For Motherhood

Motherhood is a blessing until you finally realize that your life is no longer yours. You forget brushing your hair and, sometimes even skip a shower. You lie there in shabby clothes while your baby already has a pair of fresh ones properly placed in a cupboard. You feel you were never prepared enough even though you read all those pregnancy guide books. Here is your 5-point personal guide to pregnancy that can mentally prepare you for what’s coming ahead.

1. Watch Out For Depression


To the expectant mother’s disappointment, there is a condition called postpartum depression. Surprisingly, it is not just mothers, even paternal postnatal depression exists. Hormonal changes may be seen as the possible cause in both sexes. The changes in the mother’s body can be a cause, while the father is weighed down by due to financial stress, or is simply apprehensive about their ability to handle a new responsibility.

If you can relate to some of the above symptoms, consult a health expert to discuss more on it.


2. Don’t Think Twice Before Asking For Help

You are a mom, but have a powerful urge to graduate to a supermom by getting things around you perfectly under control. This isn’t necessary. Motherhood doesn’t mean you have to stand on your toes, and attend to your household along with your baby. Ask for help – give your near and dear ones a chance to offer a helping hand. Opt for postpartum doula services to make things easier. If you have undergone a C-section, give your body proper rest to recover, because you can’t lift anything heavier than your baby for a while.


3. Give Yourself Some Me-Time

Your mind and body are completely devoted to the little life born to you. However, don’t neglect yourself in the pursuit to become a perfect mom. Start by including time to read a favorite book or magazine, have a long shower, and don’t let your coffee get too cold before you start attending to your baby. Don’t take your personal care for granted. Spend time going for a stroll or hanging out at a local cafe.


4. Find One From Your Species

By species, we mean moms who have been through this phase, or are on the same page as you. A childbirth education class or prenatal yoga class can get you in touch with other expectant mothers. This way you can make a friend circle for support and company. Many mothers with grown up kids make good mentors, and prove to be good ‘parenting’ guides.


5. Don’t Neglect Your Partner

Possibilities are, he may also be going through the same fears and stress as you. With the baby taking much of your time and space, you won’t be able to devote attention towards your relationship. Make a routine, wherein you spend at least half an hour with your partner every day. Sex might not be priority but, carrying out even a light conversation with your spouse can help you bond better.


Motherhood is not a lonesome journey. There are always people to support you. No matter who does the talking, be it your own mother, or friends who have had children, your pregnancy will always be a self-learning experience.

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