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How Hula Hooping Tones Your Belly And Waistline

This unique piece of equipment can be much more than just a children’s toy. It can be a great exercise tool for weight loss. And don’t be fooled, it can be harder than it looks. But as with anything, practice can help.

Does It Really Burn Belly Fat?


Contrary to popular belief, spot reducing fat in problem areas just isn’t possible. For overall fat reduction, one needs to burn more calories than they consume. This can be done with moderated, healthy eating, and some amount of regular, vigorous physical activity. Hula hooping is a great, fun way to burn calories. It’s actually an all round workout that involves almost your entire body. Hula hooping works your abs, glutes, thighs, and lower back

Just 10 minutes of continuous hula hooping can burn 100 calories. However, hula hooping for more than 10 minutes at a time can be difficult. What you can do is break it up and do 10-minute bursts throughout the day. Alternatively, you can incorporate those 10 minutes into your regular workout and burn some extra calories. Any way you look at it, just those 10 minutes a day would be more exercise than most other people get. What hula hooping can do, as do other exercises, is target and tone specific areas. In this case, it’s the muscles around the waist and hip. Toning these muscles and strengthening them is what can help slim down the belly and waist.


Getting Started Hula Hooping

Hula hooping can seem daunting for beginners, but here are a few tips that can help you get moving.

1. Choose The Right Equipment


Using the same kind of hoop that a child might use is not going to be as effective. If you can find a weighted, better quality hula hoop that is designed for adults, it will spin slower and make it easier for you to learn. They come in different weights ranging from 1-6 pounds as well as varying diameters designed for different body frames. Try them out in a fitness store to find a comfortable size for you.

2. Go Slow


If you’ve never done it before or you’ve been out of practice for a long time, don’t expect to it get it right on the first try. Take your time and be patient. Remember, it’s supposed to be fun!

3. Get The Right Stance




Start by correcting your posture. Straighten your back so that it sits upright. Stand with your legs slightly apart so that you are comfortably balanced and grounded.

4. Learn How To Launch The Hoop


Once you have the hula hoop around your waist, press it against your back as a start position. Then slowly push as you use your hips in a backward and forward motion rather than a circular motion.

Some Tips To Keep In Mind

Hula Hoop Exercises You Can Do

You can include the hoop into other moves as part of your workout. It makes for a dynamic piece of equipment that you can add into regular exercises. Do enough reps of these moves and you’ll feel the burn in no time. Do note that you might need quite a bit of space for some of these exercises. Once you have mastered basic hula hooping, you can add in these moves.

1. Standing Lunges

2. Step Lunges

This move is similar to the standing lunge except that you use your leg to step back instead.

3. Hoop With Pliés

This move works best with a weighted hoop.

Hula hooping can be a fun addition to your workout regime. It’s also great for beginners as it makes for a great unique fun activity that won’t bore you easily. If you’re looking to tone your waist and abdominal muscles, hula hooping is a great place to start.

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