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What To Do In Your 20s To Prevent Osteoporosis?

how to prevent osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition of low bone mineral density with an increased risk of bone fracture (breakage). Primary osteoporosis occurs most often in post-menopausal women. Secondary osteoporosis may occur in anyone at different ages, as a result of chronic medical problems (for example, hormone imbalance and lack of periods) or secondary to prolonged use of medications, such as prednisone or antacids (proton pump inhibitors/PPIs).

Is Osteoporosis An “Old Lady” Disease?

Under certain circumstances, osteoporosis can affect anyone. But the main reason you should be concerned about osteoporosis in your 20s and 30s is because this is the opportunity to optimize your bone density to prevent osteoporosis later on. Bone building occurs most when you are young and you will reach your peak bone density.


Mechanism For Building Bone

Risk Factors For Osteoporosis

To Prevent Osteoporosis

If you have any of the following signs of hormone imbalance, see your doctor or naturopathic doctor for testing.

There are natural ways to better balance hormones through diet, stress reduction, exercise and herbs if they are out of balance.


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