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6 Do’s And Don’ts To Avoid Holiday Depression

Let’s face it, people, you’ve been waiting for Christmas since, well, last Christmas. You’ve bought gifts for everybody, shopped for the prettiest sweaters, and have just finished baking your best batch of cookies. But, after all, what’s a holiday if there are no tears shed, right? Even science recognizes holiday or seasonal depression as a real thing!

Every Christmas, there are a few not-so-Christmas things that seem to be sketched by the universe solely to bring you down. So, to help you keep “merry” and put the gloom away, our self-proclaimed agony aunt has compiled this list of do’s and dont’s for this holiday season.


1. Don’t Say “Yes” To Everyone

Your sister wants you to help her with grocery shopping for the grand dinner. Your dad wants you to clean the car and keep it ready for chauffeuring guests. Your best friend wants you to help her decide what to gift her toxic boyfriend. And you’ve not only agreed to all their requests but have also promised to do a good job at carrying out their tasks.


But when the holiday finally sets in, you have an avalanche of responsibilities and commitments that you now can’t bail out of. These are things that you could have easily avoided had you not said a confident “yes” to everyone. We know you don’t want to seem rude and arrogant by saying “no”, but really, nobody will hold it against you. In fact, you’ll be appreciated for not taking up things you can’t handle. So, before you commit to something, think about whether you’re going to have the time or energy to actually do it, instead of feeling guilty about not being able to do it.

2. Give The Family Drama A Pass


When the whole family gathers at one place, there’s bound to be gossip and drama. You might have caught your great aunt Mary’s new boyfriend secretly browsing the deep, dark web for obscene videos, and of course, you want to tell everyone about it. But it’s best for you to stay out of it, especially if you have a history of attracting trouble. Being a gossip-monger is like asking for trouble. You might end up stirring up conflict and making things worse – for yourself, for great-aunt Mary, and her poor boyfriend!

3. Don’t Dread The Mistletoe


Being single during the holidays can be difficult. We know that your last relationship ended rather badly and that you feel you won’t find love again. We don’t want to give you the “not everybody is the same” talk, but you get the idea. Don’t spend the holiday mourning the loss of a relationship. And more importantly, don’t dread the idea of dating again. And if you see a happy couple, don’t let your mind take you back to the fact that you’re single. For all you know, “the one” could be under the same roof as you right now!

4. Don’t Expect Too Much


Remember what we said before? It’s okay to say “no” to people? In the same way, it’s okay for people to say “no” to you, too. Don’t set high expectations for yourself or for others, and don’t demand that everybody listen to you. Don’t take your little brother for granted and ask him to accompany you while you run errands. If he wants to offer, he will! Also, don’t expect everybody to praise your hosting skills or love your food. While you’re at it, save yourself some heartbreak and don’t expect fancy presents from everybody either!

5. Pamper Yourself


With the holiday season, comes stress and anxiety. You need to host people, make sure the food is great, and there’s pressure to look great! But with all the responsibilities at hand, your mental and physical health might take a backseat. So, show self-love and give yourself some “me time”. Buy your favorite cake and splurge on that expensive watch. Also, throw in some exercise, take a stroll in the sun, and enjoy the sweater weather. And in the midst of everything that’s going on, don’t forget to catch up on your beauty sleep!

6. If You’re Feeling Blue, Talk It Out


If you’re feeling low, don’t keep it within you. Talk to your favorite cousin or your best friend about it. Sometimes, you might not really understand what’s making you feel blue, but that’s okay. If you find that you feel depressed every year around this time, it’s wise to opt for therapy.  Holiday or seasonal depression is a real thing, and if statistics are to be believed, about 10–20% of the population suffers from mild seasonal depression every year.1 2

So there you go, people! This is the recipe for happy and truly merry holidays! Have a gala time for before you know it, holidays will be over again and you will be back to the grind!


1 Seasonal Affective Disorder. American Academy of Family Physicians.
2 Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. University of Rochester Medical Center.
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