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What Is Vestibulodynia And How Does It Affect The Vagina?

There’s enough taboo around women’s sexual health and sex education. When it comes to vaginal pain there’s barely any conversation surrounding it. This explains why you may have never heard of this condition. Vestibulodynia is a type of vulvodynia (unexplained pain in the vulvar area) which is characterized by pain and tenderness at the vaginal opening in response to a light touch. Due to ignorance, misinformation, and taboos around sexual health problems, many women suffer silently because they can’t find the appropriate treatment or never realize that it is a recognized, treatable physical condition.




Diagnosis of this condition is a process of elimination. Doctors will normally do biopsies and tests to rule out other causes of pain such as infections or cancer. The condition is very often misdiagnosed as ‘thrush’ which is a kind of yeast infection that occurs in the vagina. Frequent anti-thrush treatments can worsen the pain so, always ask your doctor to confirm with the appropriate tests.



There is no known certain cause of vestibulodynia. Doctors hypothesize that it is a result of hypersensitive nerve endings in the sensitive skin at the vaginal opening. It may also be a result of hormonal factors, genetic factors as well as pelvic floor dysfunction.1

However, the following may cause it to become worse.2



Once the diagnosis is made, there are a number of ways to treat the pain such as:3


Unfortunately, these medications may cause adverse side effects, and surgery is only a last resort option.4 5 Non-medical treatments that may help include:6 7

Another form of treatment is pelvic muscle strengthening exercises. Strengthening these muscles can help alleviate some of the pain associated with vestibulodynia but it’s important for all women to do. The kegel exercise keeps your pelvic muscles and tissue strong enough to hold your organs in place. When your pelvic muscles become weak, it can lead to reduced bladder control and many other complications.


How To Perform A Kegel Exercise

Once you have mastered this exercise, you can do it anywhere at anytime discreetly. You can even include it in some basic pelvic stretches or yoga poses.


This kind of pain can be very difficult and almost traumatic to deal with. Women who suffer from this condition can come to associate sex with fear and extreme pain. Ultimately this leads to frustration in sexual and romantic relationships. It’s important for women to be able to educate themselves about their bodies. Supportive and informed partners, family, and friends can also be of great help in dealing with this condition.



1 Lev-Sagie, Ahinoam, and Steven S. Witkin. “Recent advances in understanding provoked vestibulodynia.” F1000Research 5 (2016).
2, 3, 6 Vulvodynia. MedlinePlus
4 Lidocaine Transdermal Patch. MedlinePlus
5 Topiramate. MedlinePlus
7 What are the treatments for vulvodynia? National Institute Of Child Health And Human Development.
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