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15 Surprising Health Benefits Of Dandelion Herb

[pullquote]Including dandelion in your diet can also give your body a good dose of nutrition.1 1 cup (55 g) of chopped dandelion greens will give you:




When you think of dandelions, you might picture pesky little weeds that grow in your front yard. But don’t make the mistake of disregarding it as a “weed.” Dandelion has been long considered a beneficial herb by many different cultures around the world. In fact, different parts of the dandelion plant have been used by the Native Americans, the Chinese, and the Europeans in the preparation of herbal medicines and teas to cure several ailments.

In recent years, science has also found that dandelion has many health benefits and can be used to cure a number of diseases. Here’s a list of benefits of dandelion.


1. Improves Bone Health

Including dandelion greens in your diet can be a natural and effective way to keep your bones healthy and fight osteoporosis. Dandelions have a decent amount of calcium, with just 1 cup (55 g) of the chopped greens providing you 10% of your daily calcium requirement. Calcium is the building block of your bones. Dandelions are also very rich in vitamin K, with 1 cup yielding more than 3.5 times the amount required daily. Vitamin K has been known to prevent osteoporosis by reducing bone loss and maintaining the mineral density in bones.2

2. Aids In Digestion

Many traditional medicinal practitioners recommend dandelion as a digestive aid. It stimulates the flow of bile which creates a mild laxative effect and helps in removing waste more efficiently. So, if you’ve been feeling constipated or bloated, try drinking dandelion leaf/root tea or add young dandelion leaves to your salads.3 4


3. Promotes Weight Loss

Dandelion could help you in your weight loss efforts as well by inhibiting fat absorption into your body. Your pancreas releases an enzyme called pancreatic lipase that helps break down and absorb fat. A study found that dandelion extract could inhibit the action of the lipase by 86.3%, comparable to a standard anti-obesity drug at a similar dose, thanks to at least 5 phenolic compounds in dandelion roots.5 6 What needs to be noted here is that though dandelion was less effective than the anti-obesity drug in reducing fat absorption, it had fewer side effects.

4. Lowers Cholesterol

Cholesterol is not entirely bad for your body. It’s a waxy, fat-like substance which your body uses to make hormones, vitamin D, and compounds that help in digestion. However, high levels of some forms of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in your blood has been known to cause atherosclerosis, a condition where arteries become narrow and hardened due to the buildup of cholesterol deposits.7 Studies done on rabbits that were on a high-cholesterol diet found that dandelion root and leaf could protect against atherosclerosis by significantly reducing the LDL levels and increasing the HDL (good cholesterol) levels.8


5. Helps In Detoxification

[pullquote]Dandelion was so often used for its urine-inducing properties that its French name, pissenlit, translates to “wet the bed.” Though it may not directly cure urinary tract infections, its diuretic effect on the body ensures that UTI-causing bacteria is flushed out.9 10[/pullquote]

If you’re looking for a quick detox, try sipping on some dandelion leaf tea. Dandelion, known as simhadanti in Sanskrit, has been used in ayurvedic medicine for its diuretic effects and its ability to detox your kidneys.11 It helps your body get rid of excess water and salt through urine, thus decreasing water retention-related bloating.12


6. Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation is a natural immune response by your body when your tissues or cells are under attack by pathogens like harmful bacteria and viruses. In the case of certain autoimmune diseases like arthritis, the body’s immune response is triggered though there is no real threat, resulting in damage to tissues and inflammation. A study conducted on guinea pigs has shown that dandelion has anti-inflammatory effect on the body, especially on the lungs and intestines.13 If you suffer from inflammation, dandelion could work as a natural remedy to provide relief.

7. Helps Fight Anemia

Dandelion has been used in North American folk medicine to treat a wide variety of ailments including anemia.14 Research conducted on mice has also shown that the number of red blood cells and the amount of hemoglobin significantly increased when they were given dandelion extracts.15 16 17 This is largely due to the fact that the herb is rich in iron, with 1 cup containing twice as much iron as spinach, as well as It also had antioxidants like phenols, flavonoids, and coumaric acid that help protect the red blood cells from free radical damage and increase their number.18


8. Prevents Liver Damage

Dandelion finds mention as a liver tonic in different traditional medicinal disciplines in India, Europe, and North America. Studies conducted with dandelion leaf and root have confirmed that dandelion extract can fight liver fibrosis or liver scarring caused by a buildup of scar tissue in response to liver inflammation or damage. Left unchecked, liver fibrosis could lead to cirrhosis or liver failure. Dandelion extract can also prevent fatty liver disease caused by fat accumulation in the liver.19 20 21

9. Decreases Oxidative Stress

Normal metabolic processes, as well as toxins from the environment, give rise to free radicals in your body, which damage cell membranes and trigger inflammation. When the natural antioxidant stores in the body cannot fight the free radicals, the body comes under oxidative stress. This is when you need antioxidants from your diet.22 The antioxidant properties of dandelion have been documented by several different studies, with one study specifically showing that dandelion protects against atherosclerosis related to oxidative stress.23 24 Having dandelion greens can be a great way to include more antioxidants in your diet.


10. Might Lower Blood Sugar Levels

While some experiments on rats have shown that dandelion water extracts do decrease blood glucose levels, there are others that have not shown significant changes.25 26 It is advised that you talk to your doctor if you are diabetic and want to include dandelion in your diet.

11. Might Treat Jaundice

Since dandelion has been known to heal the liver and reduce inflammation, it has also been used in traditional medicine to treat problems like liver enlargement and jaundice. A study on animals found that dandelion, along with a few other herbal extracts, was effective in curing jaundice.27 Since there are no conclusive human studies, talk to your healthcare provider before taking dandelion to cure jaundice.

12. Fights Cancer

Dandelion has proved its cancer-fighting prowess in multiple research experiments that targeted different types of cancer cells. In each of them, it was found that dandelion extract could act on cancer cells and destroy them without affecting the healthy cells. And while this makes it a good option to add to your list of anti-cancer foods, here are all the types of cancers dandelion might effectively fight:

13. Improves Skin Health

Traditionally, dandelion tea was used to treat skin conditions, including eczema and skin hemorrhages such as those that occur due to scurvy, boils, yeast infections, burns, and warts. This benefit of the herb could be attributed to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Besides these, it is believed that since dandelion contributes to hormone regulation of the body, it is effective against acne as well.34 35 And as a good source of antioxidants, dandelion is believed to slow down the process of aging such as sagging skin, age spots, and wrinkles.36

14. Might Protect Vision

Dandelions are high in lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the retina from harmful effects of UV rays. In fact, one cup of dandelion greens will give you 7486 mcg of lutein and zeaxanthin which is higher than even carrots which provide 328 mcg per cup.37 38 Regular consumption of the herb may prevent macular degeneration, an age-related eye disease that causes loss of vision.39

15. Might Treat Gallbladder Diseases

Traditional medicine used dandelion root to treat gallbladder diseases. Studies suggest that since dandelion stimulates the flow of bile and is anti-inflammatory, it could be beneficial for gallbladder diseases.40

How To Have Dandelion

[pullquote]Don’t use dandelions plucked from just about anywhere. In urban areas, most people treat dandelion as a weed and the soil on which they grow is heavily sprayed with pesticides. If you want to use the fresh leaves, it’s best to plant some afresh in your garden.[/pullquote]

There are various ways in which dandelion can become a part of your diet. Dandelion leaves and roots are available fresh or dried and can be used to prepare teas or tinctures. You can also go for dandelion supplements in the form of capsules.

If you like experimenting add dandelion greens to a salad with goat’s cheese, nuts, and lemon. Or you could throw them into a green smoothie. You could even saute the greens with a little olive oil and have it as a side with your bacon. But if you’re just starting out and would like to keep it simple, you could stick with some tea.

Dandelion Leaf Tea Recipe

One of the easiest ways to have dandelion is to make tea with it. Dandelion tea can be made with either dried or fresh leaves.

Note: There are several different species of dandelion. If you’re using fresh leaves, make sure you use leaves of Taraxacum officinale. Also, ensure that the plant has not been treated with pesticides or herbicides.

Possible Side Effects Of Dandelion


Dandelion belongs to a family of plants known as Compositae or Asteraceae. These are flowering plants that have been known to cause allergies like contact dermatitis and hives. If you are allergic to plants like ragweed, marigold, chrysanthemums, chamomile, daisies, or yarrow, chances are that you’re allergic to dandelion too. If you’re in doubt, talk to a dermatologist. A routine patch test can be used to find out if you are allergic.41

Drug Interactions

Though dandelion has several health benefits, it’s not safe to assume that it won’t have any side effects. According to the University of Maryland Medical Centre, dandelion could interact with certain medications and it’s always recommended that you talk to your doctor about having dandelion if you’re on medication. Here are some medications that could interact with dandelion.42

Dandelion is an extremely versatile herb that has been used since ancient times to treat a variety of medical conditions. Herbalists across the world have recognized its healing properties, many of which have been proved to be true by scientists and researchers. For specific ailments, talk to a certified alternative healthcare practitioner before you use dandelion as a cure. However, for general health purposes, you could always have dandelion to increase the overall health quotient of your diet.


1 Basic Report: 11207, Dandelion greens, raw. The United States Department Of Agriculture.
2 Adams, Jamie, and Joseph Pepping. “Vitamin K in the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis and arterial calcification.” American journal of health-system pharmacy 62, no. 15 (2005): 1574-1581.
3 Valussi, Marco. “Functional foods with digestion-enhancing properties.” International journal of food sciences and nutrition 63, no. sup1 (2012): 82-89.
4 Schulman, Robert A., and Carolyn Dean. “Solve It With Supplements.” Rodale, New York. USA (2007): 1-621.
5 Kim, Tae-Wan, and Tae-Hoon Kim. “Pancreatic lipase inhibitors in the roots of Taraxacum ohwianum, a herb used in Korean traditional medicine.” Korean Journal of Food Preservation 18, no. 1 (2011): 53-58.
6 Zhang, Jian, Min-Jung Kang, Myung-Jin Kim, Mi-Eun Kim, Ji-Hyun Song, Young-Min Lee, and Jung-In Kim. “Pancreatic lipase inhibitory activity of taraxacum officinale in vitro and in vivo.” Nutrition research and practice 2, no. 4 (2008): 200-203.
7 Linton, MacRae F., Patricia G. Yancey, Sean S. Davies, W. Gray Jay Jerome, Edward F. Linton, and Kasey C. Vickers. “The role of lipids and lipoproteins in atherosclerosis.” (2015).
8, 20, 23 Choi, Ung-Kyu, Ok-Hwan Lee, Joo Hyuk Yim, Chang-Won Cho, Young Kyung Rhee, Seong-Il Lim, and Young-Chan Kim. “Hypolipidemic and antioxidant effects of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) root and leaf on cholesterol-fed rabbits.” International journal of molecular sciences 11, no. 1 (2010): 67-78.
9 Duke A., James. The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook. Rodale Books. 2000.
10 Clare, Bevin A., Richard S. Conroy, and Kevin Spelman. “The diuretic effect in human subjects of an extract of Taraxacum officinale folium over a single day.” The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 15, no. 8 (2009): 929-934.
11 Khalsa, Karta Purkh Singh. Tierra, Michael. The Way of Ayurvedic Herbs. Lotus Press. 2008.
12 Clare, Bevin A., Richard S. Conroy, and Kevin Spelman. “The diuretic effect in human subjects of an extract of Taraxacum officinale folium over a single day.” The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 15, no. 8 (2009): 929-934.
13 Awortwe, C., Dorcas Osei-Safo, I. J. Asiedu-Gyekye, and A. C. Sackeyfio. “Anti-inflammatory activity of Taraxacum officinale leaves in ovalbumin-sensitized guinea-pigs.” (2013).
14 Hatfield, Gabrielle. Encyclopedia of Folk Medicine. ABC-CLIO. 2003.
15 Choi, Ung-Kyu, Ok-Hwan Lee, Joo Hyuk Yim, Chang-Won Cho, Young Kyung Rhee, Seong-Il Lim, and Young-Chan Kim. “Hypolipidemic and antioxidant effects of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) root and leaf on cholesterol-fed rabbits.” International journal of molecular sciences 11, no. 1 (2010): 67-78.
16 Hu, Ch, and D. D. Kitts. “Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) flower extract suppresses both reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide and prevents lipid oxidation in vitro.” Phytomedicine 12, no. 8 (2005): 588-597.
17 Modaresi, Mehrdad, and Narges Resalatpour. “The effect of Taraxacum officinale hydroalcoholic extract on blood cells in mice.” Advances in hematology 2012 (2012).
18 Five ways to eat dandelions. Michigan State University.
19 Domitrović, Robert, Hrvoje Jakovac, Željko Romić, Dario Rahelić, and Žarko Tadić. “Antifibrotic activity of Taraxacum officinale root in carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in mice.” Journal of ethnopharmacology 130, no. 3 (2010): 569-577.
21 Park, Chung Mu, Yeon Suk Cha, Hyun Joo Youn, Chung Won Cho, and Young Sun Song. “Amelioration of oxidative stress by dandelion extract through CYP2E1 suppression against acute liver injury induced by carbon tetrachloride in sprague‐dawley rats.” Phytotherapy Research 24, no. 9 (2010): 1347-1353.
22 Health Benefits of Antioxidants: What’s the Buzz. Harvard School of Public Health.
24 Hu, Chun, and David D. Kitts. “Antioxidant, prooxidant, and cytotoxic activities of solvent-fractionated dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) flower extracts in vitro.” Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 51, no. 1 (2003): 301-310.
25 Cho, Soo-Yeul, Ji-Yeun Park, Eun-Mi Park, Myung-Sook Choi, Mi-Kyung Lee, Seon-Min Jeon, Moon Kyoo Jang, Myung-Joo Kim, and Yong Bok Park. “Alternation of hepatic antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid profile in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats by supplementation of dandelion water extract.” Clinica Chimica Acta 317, no. 1 (2002): 109-117.
26 Natural Standard Herb & Supplement Guide. Elsevier Health Sciences. 2010.
27 Guo, Guang-Hua, Jian-Heng Xu, Shu-Ming Sun, Tao Ma, Li-Biao Wu, Yi-Hua Yang, Qing-Wu Zhuang, and Xu-Bin Jing. “Experimental study of cholagogic cream for refractory jaundice.” World journal of gastroenterology 5, no. 1 (1999): 75-76.
28 Chatterjee, S. J., P. Ovadje, M. Mousa, C. Hamm, and S. Pandey. “The efficacy of dandelion root extract in inducing apoptosis in drug-resistant human melanoma cells.” Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2011 (2010).
29 Ovadje, P., S. Chatterjee, C. Griffin, C. Tran, C. Hamm, and S. Pandey. “Selective induction of apoptosis through activation of caspase-8 in human leukemia cells (Jurkat) by dandelion root extract.” Journal of ethnopharmacology 133, no. 1 (2011): 86-91.
30 Ovadje, Pamela, Saleem Ammar, Jose-Antonio Guerrero, John Thor Arnason, and Siyaram Pandey. “Dandelion root extract affects colorectal cancer proliferation and survival through the activation of multiple death signalling pathways.” Oncotarget 7, no. 45 (2016): 73080.
31 Ovadje, Pamela, Madona Chochkeh, Pardis Akbari-Asl, Caroline Hamm, and Siyaram Pandey. “Selective induction of apoptosis and autophagy through treatment with dandelion root extract in human pancreatic cancer cells.” Pancreas 41, no. 7 (2012): 1039-1047.
32 Zhu, Huanhuan, Hangyong Zhao, Linjie Zhang, Jianmin Xu, Chunhua Zhu, Hui Zhao, and Guoqiang Lv. “Dandelion root extract suppressed gastric cancer cells proliferation and migration through targeting lncRNA-CCAT1.” Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 93 (2017): 1010-1017.
33 Sigstedt, Sophia C., Carla J. Hooten, Manika C. Callewaert, Aaron R. Jenkins, Anntherese E. Romero, Michael J. Pullin, Alexander Kornienko, Timothy K. Lowrey, S. Van Slambrouck, and Wim FA Steelant. “Evaluation of aqueous extracts of Taraxacum officinale on growth and invasion of breast and prostate cancer cells.” International journal of oncology 32, no. 5 (2008): 1085-1090.
34 Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale. The University of Wisconsin-Extension.
35 Acne: Supplements To Help. Huntington College Of Health Sciences.
36 Visnjic I. – Dandelion Keeps You Young. The University Of Southern California.
37 Full Report (All Nutrients): 11124, Carrots, raw. USDA.
38 Full Report (All Nutrients): 11207, Dandelion greens, raw. USDA.
39 α-Carotene, β-Carotene, β-Cryptoxanthin, Lycopene, Lutein, and Zeaxanthin. Oregon State University.
40 Menghini, L., S. Genovese, F. Epifano, B. Tirillini, C. Ferrante, and L. Leporini. “Antiproliferative, protective and antioxidant effects of artichoke, dandelion, turmeric and rosemary extracts and their formulation.” International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology 23, no. 2 (2010): 601-610.
41 Goulden, V., and S. M. Wilkinson. “Patch testing for Compositae allergy.” British Journal of Dermatology 138, no. 6 (1998): 1018-1021.
42 Possible Interactions. Dandelion. University of Maryland Medical Center.
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