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Do A Full Body 30-Min Workout Using The 1-Min Method

I get bored when it comes to exercising – a lot! So, what I tend to do is find different ways to workout. Whether it is at home or wherever, I need to always think of different ways to keep my attention. I hate working out for long periods of time so 30 minutes is my limit, unless I am doing something that doesn’t feel like a workout.

The main point is to do one minute of the exercise. You can also pick as many exercises as you want, for example, after a 10 minute warm up, you can do 20 exercises for 1 minute each or you can do two rounds of 10 exercises for one minute each.


Customizing Exercises

Do all upper body exercises, do all lower body exercises, or mix it up and combine the full body like I did. You can also make the workout longer than 30 minutes if you choose. The combinations are endless so have fun with it!


List Of Exercises (Step-By-Step)

Equipment needed: kettle bell (or dumbbell)

1. Jumping Jacks

2. Squats

3. Kettlebell Overhead Shoulder Raises

4. Plié Squats

Advanced: lift your right heel and perform the exercise, then lift your left heel. Or lift both at the same time.


5. Tricep Dips


6. Forward Lunge

7. Calf Raises

8. Leg Lifts

Note: Always consult your physician before starting any nutrition and/or exercise program. Ask your physician about any questions about a medical condition.


Cheers to all your power-packed exercise sessions!

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