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Infant Care: 9 Essential Tips For First-Time Parents

Congratulations on the birth of your baby! A new and fascinating stage in your life has just begun. Caring for a newborn, especially your first, can be both exciting and challenging.

Learning the right techniques can help you soothe an upset, unresponsive or colicky baby while keeping you calm. From burps to wakeful nights to whether milk is good for your child to why soy milk could be dangerous to for or against vaccines! Here is what you need to know about your newborn’s early days and a guide to basic infant care.


Why Is My Baby Crying?

Babies cry differently based on whether they are hungry or in discomfort. Never shake the baby to stop it from crying as it can lead to brain damage or even death. Very high-pitched crying, 3 times higher than a normal cry, that persists, or sometimes very low-pitched crying that persists, can be associated with severe or chronic illness. Seek medical advice immediately.


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What Are The Best Home Remedies To Treat Colic In Babies?


Your baby is considered colicky if s/he’s younger than 5 months old and cries for more than 3 hrs in a row, on 3 or more days/week, for at least 3 weeks. Treat colic by eliminating common food allergens like dairy, gluten, fish, citrus and caffeine from the mother’s diet. Try gripe water, probiotics and physical calming to soothe the infant. If it still persists, consult a doctor.

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Why Does Baby Keep Waking Up At Night?

Babies have a 60-minute sleep cycle when compared to adults who tend to go through a 90-minute sleep cycle. It is normal for them to wake up and get restless, because unlike adults they are unable to go back to sleep by themselves. Typically babies love sleeping through the day, and staying awake through the night. Biologically, that is a big advantage since they get attention from both their primary caregivers, and there are fewer distractions.


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Nursing, Nutrition And Nerve Supply Are Critical For Your Baby


Breast milk has the perfect combination of nutrients for your infant’s growth and immunity. As your baby grows, a balanced nutritious diet with lean protein, vegetables and fruit contributes to healthy bones and normal development. Injuries to the spine and nerve system can have long term physical and behavioral consequences; early detection can help mitigate risks.

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How Important Is Milk For Toddlers?

Breastfeeding is recommended for first 6 months and to be continued for 1 to 2 years of life or longer. Breastfed children are better nourished with immunity-boosting properties than formula fed ones. Cow’s milk is a great replacement for mother’s milk. It is an excellent source of calcium and vitamin D. Avoiding cow’s milk can lead to issues with bone health in later life.

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Why Is Soy Infant Formula Dangerous For Babies?

The primary problems with soy formula are due to three things in Soy – trypsin inhibitors, phytic acid and the worst of all – phytoestrogens. Trypsin interferes with protein digestion and may cause pancreatic disorders. Phytoestrogens have the potential to disrupt baby’s hormonal system for life. Phytic acid blocks the absorption of critical minerals like calcium, magnesium, iro,n and zinc in particular. And, since zinc is known as the intelligence mineral that helps in functioning of the brain and nervous system, soy formula is not recommended for infants.

Why Do Infants Burp And How To Reduce It?

Babies generally tend to swallow air while being breast-fed or bottle-fed. This is one primary reason for their burping. Burping helps them release the air swallowed, which also makes them more comfortable before or during feeding. It is advisable to burp your baby as frequently as you can, especially in between feeding. You can burp your baby during bottle feedings between every 2 or 3 sips or every time you switch the baby from one breast to another. Change of position can help reduce the air your baby takes in.

What Is The Impact Of Painful Procedures On Newborns?

Pain can affect certain physiological and behavioural responses in the newborn and can cause problems with sleep, feeding and self-regulation. It can also lower heart rate and oxygen consumption and cause neuro-anatomical and learning disabilities. The nervous system can become hypersensitive or insensitive toward pain and related medication.

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3 Reasons Why I Am Not Against Vaccinations

Higher frequency of travel to climatically alien locations puts children at risk of getting infected with diseases that they might be safe from locally. Knowledge and medical guidance are critical if you choose not to vaccinate. Vaccines have far less harmful chemicals than a decade back. You can postpone vaccination till your child builds up some natural immunity.

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