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Celebrate ‘Day Of The Dead’ With Best Essential Oils

Day of the Dead, or Dia de Muertos, is most often associated with Mexico. The tradition has been absorbed by many world cultures and celebrated around the world. In 2008, the tradition was recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Day of the Dead is a multi-day holiday when friends and family gather together to honor members of their family and community who have died. It is a time of celebration when festivals and parades are offered, as a way to help support those who have died, on their journey in the afterlife.


With roots in ancient traditions Day of the Dead rituals, celebrating death of ancestors, has been around for at least 3,000 years. Originally it was celebrated during the summer months and for an entire month. Gradually, Day of the Dead, became associated with its current days of celebration from October 31st to November 2nd, All Souls Day.

In ancient times, the festivities were dedicated to the goddess known as the “Lady of the Dead” and known in modern times as La Calavera Catrina.


Traditions connected with Day of the Dead included erecting altars adorned with sugar skulls, representing Catrina (the goddess of the dead), marigolds (the traditional flower), and the deceased’s favorite food and drinks, as well as photos and mementos. Then at the end of the Day of the Dead celebration these symbols of remembrance and spiritual support are taken to the loved one’s grave and left as gifts.

Day Of The Dead Altar

You may wish to set-up your Day of the Dead altar at the time of the Scorpio moon which happens to fall on October 30th this year. The Scorpio new moon marks the deepest darkest phase of the monthly moon’s cycle of the entire year. October 30th, this year also falls on Diwali, Festival of Lights, another important festival celebrated around the world. Making this year’s Day of the Dead an especially potent time of celebration and renewal.


Things Needed

You can start erecting your altar 1-7 days prior to the start of your Day of the Dead celebration and add items to it throughout the entire time of celebration. This allows the energies of communion with your departed loved ones to grow and expand.

Decorate your altar with traditional Day of the Dead items like sugar skulls, marigold flowers in yellow (symbolizing light) and orange (the sun). You can also include photographs and favorite reminders of your deceased loved ones.


Place one or more candles upon your altar. Candle light represents the light needed for your loved ones to find their way in the afterlife. Important Day of the Dead colors for your candles, include purple (overcoming pain and suffering), white (purity and renewal), pink (joyful reunion), red (symbol of life) and black (symbolizing the land of death).

Best ‘Day Of The Dead’ Essentials Oils

One of the best ways to commune with and honor your loved ones is offering of essential oils. You can use an oil alone or blend in an aroma diffusor placed on your altar, or as an offering of perfume oil or mist. Whatever you feel will be most pleasing for your loved ones.


Here are 4 essential oils especially suited for creating the perfect ambiance for your Day of the Dead altar. If your loved one had a favorite scent this is also one of the best essential oils to use.

1. Cypress (Cupressus Sempervirens) Steam-Distilled Leaf

Mediterranean climate is known for best distillations of cypress oil. Frequently found in cemeteries, cypress is considered the symbol of life after death and called “the tree of life and death.” The ancient Greeks dedicated the cypress tree to the god Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, and, according to legend, the cross that Jesus was crucified on was made of cypress.


2. Frankincense (Boswellia Frereana And Carterii) Steam-Distilled Resin Tears

Best location for growing and distilling are India and Somalia. Traded for 5,000 years, Frankincense is one of the holy oils used since ancient times when aromatic infusions were traded and considered as precious as gold. Spiritually and psycho-emotionally, Frankincense is best known for its enduring emotional and spiritual support. It lends support to help you be strong and recover after grief and loss.

3. Spikenard (Nardostachys Jatamansi ) Steam-Distilled Root

The best location for growing and distilling is Nepal. A valued oil since ancient times, Spikenard has often been used in anointing rituals and religious ceremonies. It’s an aromatic plant that was used by Mary Magdalene as a foot balm to anoint her master Jesus’s feet in the New Testament of the Bible. Spikenard is excellent to use during times of great transition like marriage, death, the onset of puberty and menopause.


4. Yarrow (Achillea Millefolium) Steam-Distilled Flowers

Best distillations are from Bulgaria and Canada. Psycho-emotionally, blue yarrow has a stress-relieving and uplifting effect on the body and mind. It can help ease intense mental and emotional states that threaten to consume and overwhelm. Blue yarrow is a powerful ally when you need to make important changes in life, yarrow can help you to unite your inner forces and find your way.

Day Of Dead Celebration Foods

Prepare a feast to honor and give thanks to your ancestors and loved ones for their love and support. Your feast can be as simple and small as enjoying a piece of fruit or as magnificent and grand as it feels right for you. Generally, the foods for your feast are the foods eaten at this time of year by your culture of origin, as well as the favorite foods of your departed loved ones.

Place small amounts of food and drink on the altar as offerings. The spirit of your loved ones will partake of the essence of the foods. You can take some of the food as gifts to the graves of your loved ones at the end of your celebration, as well as enjoy whatever remains for yourself.

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