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Busting 9 Common Myths Associated With Childbirth

When there is a lack of complete knowledge, myths are born. Pregnancy is one such domain where when a wrong information is passed as an advice, mothers get mislead and deceived.

Apart from trusted internet sources, your reliable source of information should be your obstetrician or your midwife. Here are some deep-rooted myths related to childbirth.


1. Eating or Drinking Is Not Allowed During Labor

Childbirth demands the best of a mother’s energy and efforts. If a woman is healthy and there aren’t any complication associated with pregnancy, having a light meal during labor won’t do harm.

A research published in the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) suggests that rather than skipping a meal, drinking or eating something light during labor can actually benefit a mother.1 Recommendations of protein shakes during labor have been shown to give the mothers a degree of satisfaction.2


2. Once A C-Section, Always A C-Section

Many women feel that vaginal birth after a c-section isn’t possible as it risks your uterus to rupture. According to Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, about 60-80% of vaginal deliveries after a c-section have been successful.3

Considering the risks involved, it is evident that you have to consult your doctor and make sure it is safe to go about with a vaginal delivery.


3. An Epidural Results In A C-Section

An epidural does affect the duration of labor—it is true that labor gets prolonged. However, it doesn’t necessarily result in a c-section, unless your doctor is in a hurry and wants to get done with it quickly.

In a study, the delivery of 42,268 mothers was monitored, by dividing them into two groups—ones who received epidural and others who didn’t. All the women delivered vaginally, however, those who received epidural had longer hours of labor, averaging to be 2 hours 45 minutes more than those who didn’t.4 The end outcome clearly stated that the belief that epidural always ends in a c-section is a myth.


4. Natural Childbirth Means No Medications Or Epidurals

Vaginal childbirth has been considered natural provided the mother doesn’t take any medication or epidurals. Does that mean if the forceps are used during labor, the delivery isn’t natural? Of course, it is. All vaginal birth are considered natural, whether assisted or not.

5. Taking Epidurals Means You Have A Lower Endurance

As every pregnancy is different so is every birth. Some women feel more pain or require to put in more effort while pushing the baby out. Many factors decide whether the labor and birth will be painful or excruciating. Taking an epidural doesn’t make any woman appear weak. Judging a mother over her choice of giving birth is simply rude.


6. Your Second Delivery Will Be Comparatively Easier

The conception that a second birth will be easier because the cervix becomes lax from the previous delivery could be true. However, it doesn’t determine whether the subsequent childbirth could be shorter or longer. Many factors come into play during birth, this could be considered the last one.

7. Bonding Between The Mother And Baby Is Instant

Sometimes, the feeling of motherhood doesn’t immediately kick in as soon as the baby is delivered, and there is nothing to feel ashamed about it. Bonding doesn’t necessarily have to be immediate—it is okay if you take a week or over a month to really connect with your baby.


8. Vaginal Delivery In Breech Position Is Unsafe

Unfortunately, it is true. Although you may have read about it being safe, vaginal breech delivery still carries a lot of risk for the mother and baby that cannot be overlooked. Only 6% of breech babies are born this way—an obstetrician with great skill could help deliver a breech baby vaginally. Know more about the vaginal delivery of a breech baby.

According to a study published in Science Direct, vaginal breech delivery had higher mortality rate both perinatal (before birth) and neonatal (after birth).5 Although there have been successful breech births, low APGAR (determines the overall health of baby) scores, injuries during birth, bleeding and broken bones have been observed in such babies.


They are absolutely right in suggesting you against a natural birth in such a case. However, your baby’s breech position can be changed between 32-37 weeks of pregnancy using various methods under medical guidance. Here are ways to turn a breech baby.

9. C-section Is Easier Than Vaginal Delivery

If you think a surgery is easy and safer, you are comparing the two methods of birth based on the pain endured by the mother. Recovering from a surgery takes much longer and has a higher risk of complications—blood clots, infections and blood loss. Not to forget the pain and discomfort after the surgery. It isn’t really an easy way out if you think so.

If you are skeptical about something related to your pregnancy, always consult your doctor or go for a second opinion in case you aren’t satisfied. Before believing someone, make sure you have a reliable source who isn’t misinforming you, rather guiding you for your own good.


1 Most healthy women would benefit from light meal during labor. American Society of Anesthesiologists
2 Women in labor can ditch the ice chips and drink a protein shake instead. American Society of Anesthesiologists
3 Vaginal birth after C-section (VBAC). Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
4 Cheng, Yvonne W., Brian L. Shaffer, James M. Nicholson, and Aaron B. Caughey. “Second stage of labor and epidural use: a larger effect than previously suggested.” Obstetrics & Gynecology 123, no. 3 (2014): 527-535.
5 Hannah, Mary E., Walter J. Hannah, Sheila A. Hewson, Ellen D. Hodnett, Saroj Saigal, Andrew R. Willan, and Term Breech Trial Collaborative. “Planned caesarean section versus planned vaginal birth for breech presentation at term: a randomised multicentre trial.” The Lancet 356, no. 9239 (2000): 1375-1383.
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