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6 Things To Do To Avoid Self-Care Stress

When our lives get too stressful to handle, we turn to exercise, meditation and yoga to help us cope with our stress. When we take on a self-care regime, it becomes a big part of our lives. And sometimes we become so obsessed about our good health that it can start to give us anxiety and a sense of failure when we fail to achieve our self-care goals. And it is normal to feel like a failure when we fail to achieve our set goals after we have invested time and energy into them. Is there a way to avoid this kind of stress? Yes, this kind of stress is avoidable. We will be able to achieve our goals when they are realistic and achievable. This will help us to be more positive about our pursuits and it will refrain us from going down a self-sabotage path later. There are a few simple things that people can follow to avoid unnecessary stress that comes with self-care. A few of those things have been listed below.

1. Have Specific Goals


Thinking about goals like ‘I am going to eat healthy this week’ or ‘I am going to exercise’ might make you feel good but they lack practicality. Think thoroughly about your goals. Think about what you will eat and from where you going to get your food. You need to be completely aware of your plans and how you are going to execute them. Maintain a journal to keep all your goals. Achieving your goals will become easier if you are specific about your goals and the requirements you need to achieve them.

2. Be Realistic About Your Goals


It is very easy to feel super motivated one day and set a crazy goal. But you need to be realistic about your capabilities. Remember you cannot become a marathon runner in a day. It takes years of practice and hard work. So, keep your goals realistic. That way you will be able to achieve your goals without feeling over-burdened and you will be able to cut out all the negative thoughts that come with failing at achieving one’s goals.

3. Know Yourself


One of the easiest ways to attract anxiety is to compare oneself to others. Just because your friend could achieve his or her weight goal in a week doesn’t mean you can too. Your body works differently than others. You need to understand that. You need to personalize your goals that can fit in with your health, lifestyle and objectives.

4. Work Out For A Healthier Body And Mind


The primary reason behind working out is to achieve a healthy body and a healthier mind. So, remember to hold on to that truth. Deep breathing in itself is a great stress buster. Exercises like yoga, Pilates etc. incorporated with breathing techniques can help you to relax and find positivity. There are many breathing techniques that can help in calming your nerves.

5. Meet Your Deadlines


We are programmed as humans to work to the best of our capabilities when we have an impending deadline. We are more efficient in achieving our goals when we are time bound. Thus, give yourself a deadline and a goal to achieve within that deadline. After sometime, you can evaluate your progress and make necessary adjustments to achieve desired results. But, in case you fail to achieve your goal, don’t lose your heart. Set a more realistic goal and carry on with your task.

6. Mind The Time And The Location


You can avoid popular times to go to a gym if you are a gym goer. Choose a time when it is less crowded. This means you might have to wake up a little early to go to the gym. But this will have a positive effect on you. Also, location matters. So, if you don’t like crowded gyms, you can choose to work out in a park or an open space with fresh air.

Wellness should bring positivity into our lives and not stress. So, follow these simple things to enjoy the benefits of exercise and good health.

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