
Ann Elizabeth Thomas


Everything You Need To Know About Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is a routine and normal part of most pregnancies. It can be caused by hormonal changes and changes to sensory systems. Morning sickness may help protect the mother and baby by causing aversions to foods like meat, poultry, and eggs which can carry harmful illnesses and substances. To avoid nausea, snack on bland foods, sniff lemon and ginger to relieve nausea. Remember to drink fluids to prevent dehydration from vomiting

10 Natural Ways To Increase Your Breast Milk

Breastfeeding can be a beautiful bonding experience between mother and child but low milk supply can cause frustration and anxiety. The only clear way to check milk supply is to track the baby's weight gain. To increase milk supply, help the baby with a good latch, nurse frequently, and express or pump milk in between feedings. Fenugreek, ginger, milk thistle and goat's rue may increase production.

7 Surprising Health Benefits Of Plain Tea

Tea is the most popular beverage in the world after water and has its fair share of great health benefits for us to enjoy. Plain tea can help fight inflammation, prevent diabetes, boost metabolism, prevent cancer, improve dental health, improve mood, and cognitive performance. Try to drink it in its purest form without sugar or milk to get the full effect of the antioxidants in it.

5 Minute Workouts: Do They Really Make A Difference?

While it may not seem like it would make much of a difference, five-minute workouts usually involve a short span of extremely intense activity. Studies show that the intensity of the activity is what matters rather than the duration. Even about 10 minutes of intense activity can help keep hunger levels down. Combine your workout with small bursts of activity throughout the day.

This Bacteria Could Help Boost Athletic Performance

The mix of bacteria in our intestinal tract keeps our digestive processes smooth. Professional athletes seem to have a unique mix of bacteria that do specific functions that help them in their sport. For example, they have more bacteria that help reduce muscle fatigue and bacteria that break down carbs and fiber for energy more efficiently. These bacteria could be used to treat other health issues.

9 Self-Care Practices For A Healthy Mind And Body

Keeping in touch with your mental and emotional health is extremely important. These simple practices can help you do that. Journal to allow your thoughts and emotions to freely flow. Learn to cook some healthy meals and keep a day aside to do your chores. Maybe rediscover your childhood hobbies. Try taking a warm bath every now and then. Cut down on screen time to reduce stress.

10 Tiny Changes That Help You Lose Weight Without Trying

Weight loss is often made out to need lots of discipline, commitment, and effort. If you're just starting out, these tiny changes can help ease you into the process. For example, walk distances that are less than mile, or find a buddy that will keep you accountable. Journal your food and movement, keep track of water intake and eat more protein at breakfast.

How To Naturally Fight Cavities And Prevent Them

There are several natural ways to fight cavities. Coconut oil can be used in a process called oil pulling to pull out bacteria. Clove oil is popular as an antibacterial and a painkiller. Aloe vera and turmeric can be effective as mouthwashes. Tea is also great for maintaining dental health. To prevent tooth decay, avoid sugary foods, carbonated soft drinks, and refined carbohydrates.

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