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5 Yoga Poses For Slim Hips And Thighs

This article is for women who cannot snatch time out of their daily chores to step out of the house and head to a gym to get the lower section of their body in shape. Well others too are welcome here as you all can benefit from the following yoga exercises. These are meant for slim hips and thighs, the areas prone to weight gain in women.

Ananda Balasana (Happy Child Pose)

In this pose, your spine and tail bone should always remain in touch with the mat.



Caution: Pregnant women, people with neck injury and knee injury should support their neck with a folded blanket.


Other Benefits: It is a great stress and fatigue reliever.

Warrior Pose I (Virabhadrasana I)



Caution: People with high blood pressure and heart problem shouldn’t do it. Those with shoulder problems should not join their palms and the ones with neck pain shouldn’t look up towards the palms.

Other Benefits: It strengthens muscles of the back, shoulders and arms.


Warrior Pose II (Virbhadrasana II)


Caution: People with neck problem should look only straight.


Other Benefits: It alleviates backache during the third trimester of pregnancy and increases stamina.

Baddhakonasana (Cobbler’s Pose)



Caution: People nursing knee or groin injury should place a blanket under their outer thighs.

Other Benefits: It revitalizes the abdominal organs and increases stamina.


Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Savanasana)


Caution: Women in the third trimester of their pregnancy should not try this pose. People with high BP or headache or the ones suffering from diarrhea should support their head with bolster.

Other Benefits: It helps soothing depression and stress and improves digestion. It also eases menopause symptoms which can cause aging signs on your face.

Stress, depression and numerous diseases accelerate development of aging signs. Doing these poses would spare you of spending money on anti aging treatments like creams and more because they work exactly how life cell or any other anti aging cream works?

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