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5 Ways Pregnancy Will Help Your Relationship Grow

Couple Intimacy: 5 Ways Pregnancy Will Affect Your Relationship

Pregnant Couple: 5 Ways Pregnancy Will Affect Your Relationship

When you are about to add a new member to your family, your body will go through a plethora of physical, mental, and emotional changes. These changes not only affect you but also your relationship with your partner. Mood swings, bigger breasts, lethargy, and swollen ankles make pregnancy difficult as it is, and relationship stress should be the last thing bothering you. Love and pregnancy work in a unique way. Sometimes, you want to spend each waking moment with your partner, and other times, you wish they were on some other planet. Even though you can blame all your bizarre actions on your hormones, be mindful of the person taking care of you. The sooner you learn to deal with your emotions, the sooner you will be able to strengthen your bond with your partner. Here are some of the ways pregnancy will affect your love life.


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1. You Will Have Conflicts


With all the changes your body is going through, you are bound to have conflicts with your partner. It is possible that the two of you are not on the same page. Since you are nurturing a baby in your womb, your motherly instincts kick in early. It will not be the same for your partner. They might not feel like a parent until they hold the little one in their arms. You should understand that this does not indicate the level of interest in becoming a parent. Your partner will get there when the time comes. If you feel that you are doing everything, and what your partner does is not enough, talk it out and you will certainly find a solution. Communication is key when there are conflicts in your relationship.

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2. You Will Be Very Clingy

Being a mother will have a profound impact on your life. It is a huge responsibility to take care of another life apart from yours. The hormones rushing through your body will affect your emotions, and feed your fear of having to do it alone, especially during early pregnancy. You will want your partner to be there with you all the time, which can get overwhelming for them. Since you feel less attractive during pregnancy, you will also want that constant reaffirmation that you are still beautiful in their eyes. Let them know how needy you are feeling, and how they can help you.


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3. Your Partner Might Feel Left Out


Even though most couples announce their pregnancy by saying, “We are pregnant,” it is only you who is actually carrying a baby in your womb. Your partner is there only to support you emotionally. Since they cannot grow the baby themselves, they might not be able to form a connection with it. You also get the most attention from your friends and family. Let your partner know that they too are a crucial part of your pregnancy. Spend more time talking about how great parents you will make, and set aside some time just for yourselves, without focusing on the baby.

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4. You Will Connect At A Deeper Level

During your pregnancy, you will connect with your partner at a very deep level. Realizing that you are bringing a miracle into this world will strengthen your emotional bond. It is a new thing for both of you, and it is important to go through it hand in hand. You are taking your relationship to the next level, which means that the love you feel for each other can only grow.


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5. Sex Will Take A Back Seat

Before your pregnancy, sex forms an important part of your relationship. As your pregnancy progresses, you will be less romantically inclined in getting physical with your partner. The stress of the pregnancy, the out-of-control hormones, and the baby bump make it difficult to even think of having sex, but it is crucial for your relationship. Sex is safe during all stages of a normal pregnancy. Even though it may not be how it was before your pregnancy, it is important to maintain that romance and physical connection to strengthen your relationship.

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful journeys you can take with your beloved partner. It is an experience that will be fulfilling at times and extremely demanding at others. It is necessary to communicate well with each other during the good times and the tough ones. Don’t overwhelm your partner with demands and outbursts or emotions. Take things one step at a time for an enjoyable and healthy pregnancy.

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