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3 Tips On How To Find A Balance Within You This Autumn

This past week I heard whispers of Fall’s arrival and it made my heart smile. While my 3 year old played on the playground, I...

Top 6 Yoga Poses For Cyclists

If you love cycling, it’s good to add some yoga stretches to your pre and post-biking routine. Yoga alleviates sore muscles, strain, or tension...
Trying to lose weight? Focus on the adrenal glands.

Lose Weight By Learning About Your Adrenal Glands

Adrenal glands secrete cortisol, the “stress hormone.” At high levels, cortisol prevents fat breakdown and promotes weight gain. That’s why managing stress may be the answer to successful weight loss! Start by meditating and doing yoga, two activities that lower cortisol. Aromatherapy, with scents like lavender and bergamot, has the same effect. Laughter also controls cortisol levels, so make time for fun. Avoid smoking cigarettes, as nicotine withdrawal mimics stress and raises cortisol.

5 Ways To Heal Yourself By Using Sounds

Sounds have existed well before the Big Bang. The source of all things that have manifested in the universe is sound. Sound has a profound effect on our body and the mind. It’s used to promote wellness and cure illness. Some sounds are associated with specific energy centers of the body, which are activated when these sounds are produced. Using sounds to heal is an effective way to wellness.
strengthen and stabilize your core )

5 Yoga Stretches To Burn Belly Fat All Day Long

Depending on your body shape and genetic disposition, your body has a tendency to store more fat in certain areas. These areas are known...

Right Position For Your Baby In The 8th Month Of Pregnancy

With a month to go before you could hold your little bundle of joy in your arms, the last but one month of the...
Stretches And Exercises To Relieve A Tight, Stiff, Or Sore Neck

Stretches And Exercises To Relieve A Tight, Stiff, Or Sore Neck

A stiff neck or a sore neck causes immense discomfort and can the pain can interfere with our everyday life. It may occur due to many reasons such as bad posture or an improper pillow. It may also occur because of muscle strain and nerve compression. Besides maintaining a good posture, some simple exercises and stretches can help in relieving the neck pain.
How to become a morning person.

7 Secrets To Help You Wake Up Early

Waking up early is often an uphill task, that most of us have already given up on. But early risers, according to science, are happier and more optimistic about life than the night owls. It's important to get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and eat healthy to be able to wake up early. Here are some tips to help you become a morning person.

Everything You Need To Know About Occipital Neuralgia

If you’re experiencing throbbing, electric-shock-like pain, which usually starts at the base of the skull and then radiates to the back or sides of the scalp, you may have occipital neuralgia. This condition is normally caused by irritated occipital nerves – the two nerve pairs that begin at the second and third neck vertebrae. Try the corpse pose, the sub-occipital neck stretch, and neck extension and flexion exercises to relieve the symptoms at home.

9 Simple And Easy Ways To Lose Weight

With the whole world fighting against weight gain and obesity, who does not want to burn calories the simple and easy way in 15 minutes? Being overweight invites all kinds of diseases and disorders. A healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, and regular exercise is the simple three-pronged approach to quick weight loss. Practicing the listed activities for 15 minutes every day can help you lose weight really fast.
Yoga can give you the energy to get through the day)

This Morning Yoga Sequence Will Boost Your Energy In 15 Minutes

Do you consider the sound of your alarm clock the worst sound in the world? Is getting out from your bed the hardest thing...
Bakasana is a compact asana that levels the arms and strengthens them

Bakasana: The Steps Of The Yoga Asana And Its Benefits

Yoga has proved to benefit the human race since centuries. It is an alternative medication for numerous health issues and its regular practice not...

5 Simple Yoga Poses To Manage Psoriatic Arthritis

Stress can aggravate the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. Yoga is a fantastic way to calm the mind while strengthening the body including t he muscles and joints. The asanas can be modified according to your comfort. Yoga poses like downward facing dog, warrior stance, spinal twist and reclining twist are the most beneficial. All it takes is just 15 minutes a day.
Yoga helps relieve sciatica pain)

Relieve Sciatica Pain With These 7 Easy Yoga Poses

If you hit the gym and lift heavy weights, have a child at home and have to bend over a lot, or have to...

Yoga For Your Eyes: Anytime, Anywhere

Our eyes are the windows to our soul. Our eyes also happen to be the one part of our body that gets the least of...