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25 Quotes From Buddha That Will Change Your Life!

Words are a powerful thing. The lessons from Buddha can inspire you to understand and tackle all of life's problems. If you are feeling stressed, low in life, or maybe lost, these quotes from Buddha can help you. It can also help those trying to overcome anger problems or just looking to connect with their spirituality.

Experiencing A Burnout? Here’s How You Can Tell

You must have felt it at some point in your life. Maybe it was that impossible deadline or the fact that you haven't had...
Bipolar disorder is a debilitating condition that affects millions of people.

7 Questions Psychiatrists Ask To Diagnose Bipolar Disorder

While mental illnesses like depression and anxiety are well known and understood fairly well, other illnesses like schizophrenia and obsessive compulsive disorder don't receive the...

Why Do I Cry For No Reason? 10 Possible Reasons

Do you find yourself crying for no obvious reason? Premenstrual syndrome, perimenopause, menopause, and depression could lie at the root of the issue. So can sleep deprivation, stress and burnout, pseudobulbar affect, postcoital dysphoria, vitamin B12 deficiency, low blood sugar, or thyroid problems.

6 Reasons Why You Should Quit Drinking Alcohol

Quitting alcohol consumption is the best favor you can do to yourself. It makes you fitter, gives you the impetus to work out, and helps you sleep better and wake up fresh. Overall health improves significantly when you quit drinking. No alcohol automatically means no snack, no binge eating, and no weight gain. Your appetite will improve significantly. You will also be able to focus and perform better every day.
How to build your child's self esteem?

7 Compelling Tips To Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem: Give Them A Head Start!

Children with good self-esteem grow up to be emotionally resilient adults who are prepared to handle whatever life throws at them. Show affection to your child, encourage them to freely express themselves, and listen to them. It is also important to love your child unconditionally, let them do things on their own, and praise their accomplishments.

Extreme Irritability: The Reasons Behind Your Crankiness

Everyone gets irritated at some point in a day. Chronic irritability is when this feeling doesn’t go away. Everyday factors such as poor diet, lack of sleep, and stress can all be the reason. Chronic pain and Huntington's disease are medical causes of irritability and should be treated by a doctor at the earliest. Based on the cause, reduce your irritability with treatment, mindfulness, or meditation.

6 Harmful Effects Of Cellphones That You Should Be Mindful Of

An increasing dependence on smartphones leads to the fear of missing out and the need to constantly stay connected. This causes stress and anxiety. Prolonged use of your phone can cause depression, lower your concentration, and hamper your academic performance. It also hampers your vision, worsens your posture, and disrupt sleep.

10 Ways To Clear Negativity From Your Home

There are so many incredible reasons to keep the energy in your home free of negativity. You’ll feel more at ease in your home....
maca is a natural supplements with multiple benefits

5 Little-Known Benefits Of Adding Maca Powder To Your Diet

If you have asked around for natural supplements that have multiple benefits, maca powder might have been one of the options that you are...

7 Interesting Things Your Sense Of Humor Can Reveal About You

If your life is a bumpy road and you are the vehicle traveling on that road, then your sense of humor is the shock-absorber...
Exercising and eating right can help you maintain the ideal weight

15 Ways To Maintain Your Weight After Dieting

You've finally reached your weight-loss goal and the feeling is absolutely heavenly! But, tough as it was, this was just the beginning. A much...
Hateful thoughts can define how intelligent you are

Your Hateful Thoughts Reflect Your Level Of Intelligence

Hatred and prejudice can be of different types. Sometimes, you despise a person you just met, for absolutely no reason or for something really...

Are People Who Experience Frequent Nightmares More Creative?

Do you know the similarity between Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and probably even Dracula? A lesser-known truth behind these popularly loved classics, apart...

Grocery Shopping On A Budget: When And What To Buy Organic

There is a lot to grocery shopping than just buying fruits and vegetables that look right to you. If you are purchasing an apple...