
Paul Sugar

I am the founder and Director of the Scottsdale Institute for Health and Medicine. I completed the advanced MBSR teacher training in 1994 at the Center for Mindfulness pioneered by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center and am a Certified MBSR instructor through the Center for Mindfulness at the UCSD School of Medicine. In addition, I Mentor for the mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) certification candidates there. I have taught over 80 Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction- 8 week MBSR and MBCT programs and have delivered hundreds of mindfulness based workshops for over 25 years. Presented mindfulness in the health care, corporate, academic, sports and private sectors and have been practicing and teaching meditation, yoga and tai chi for over 45 years.

Does Virtual Reality Meditation Really Work?

Virtual reality meditation is showing signs of increasing popularity as a new form of meditation. This technique adds a new dimension to meditation by...

How Meditation Increases Longevity

Everyone wants to increase his/her life span and quality of life. Length of telomeres and telomerase are indicators of cellular aging. The longer the telomere, the more number of times a cell can divide and refresh. Telomere shortening happens naturally as we age and can be accelerated by stress. Based on an experiment, those with more years of meditation practice had longer telomere length. Longetivity is directly proprotional to meditation!

How To Heal Yourself By Talking To Your Body

Is it possible to really talk to our bodies? Will it listen and does it make any difference at all? My answer would be...

How Meditation Changes The Brain And Body

Contemplating on meditation? Here are some reasons why you should meditate to get benefited.

5 Signs That Say You Need To Meditate

I've been meditating for almost 50 years now and the good news is that it has transformed my life for the better. The bad...

5 Easy Ways To Make Meditation A Daily Habit

There are many kinds of meditation and all of them provide multiple benefits to anyone who practices. Mindfulness meditation is the underlying meditation in...

How To Meditate While Running

Athletes are highly benefited by mindfulness meditation. By new training methods, athletes consciously create the flow experience at will. Mindfulness meditation teaches to run with ease. When the attention is turned inward, comparing performance stops and stress is reduced. Mindfulness will help you monitor your breath, body, emotions, and thought. It also keeps them in sync.

Can Mindfulness Help Overcome OCD And Anxiety?

OCD and anxiety are common issues nowadays in out stressed out lives. These are usually a result of stress that remains after a tense situation. Mindfulness meditation helps relax the body and get it back on track to a more peaceful state. Read on to know how it convinces the body to move on from the stressful mood.

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