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How To Improve Concentration With Yoga And Pranayama

Yoga Can Improve Your Concentration

Have your grades been dropping at school because you’re unable to concentrate and focus on your subjects? Are you a working professional who’s unable to perform well at work because you’re distracted?

If the answer to both these questions is yes, then there’s a way to fix this. It is simple and you can do this at home. The solution is Yoga!


Yoga can help with your concentration. Concentration is mental control and to achieve mental control, you need to focus. It can help you focus on what you want despite other distractions. Yoga is a traditional practice that helps to keep a balance between your body and mind.

Try these Yoga asanas and breathing exercises to help you overcome these concentration issues.


Yoga Poses To Improve Concentration

1. Thunderbolt/Diamond Pose (Vajrasana)




2. Eagle Pose (Garudasana)





3. Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)




4. Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana)




5. Plow Pose (Halasana)



There are many more postures you can practice to improve your concentration. Try these for a few weeks and share the difference with your friends at school or colleagues at work.

Breathing Exercise To Improve Concentration

Breathing exercises aid in calming the mind and improve memory and concentration. They also help reduce anxiety. This, in turn, helps you to perform better at tasks related to memory and learning.1

One such exercise is the Bee Breath or Bhramari Pranayama. Let’s learn how to perform this exercise.

Bee Breath (Bhramari Pranayama)

This technique calms and soothes the nerves, especially around the brain and forehead. The exhalation in this pranayama resembles the typical humming sound of a bee. The humming sound vibrations have a calming effect on the mind and body.




Apart from these, you can also try Shitali and Kapalbhati Pranayama. Along with a healthy lifestyle, these exercises will slowly train your mind to focus on the task at hand and concentrate completely.

Your Doubts Answered

1. What Should Our Mind Focus On While Doing Yoga?

[expert_opinion expertname=’dadanabhaniilananda’ opinion=”To answer this properly, we need to review what Yoga actually is. Yoga means ‘union’. It refers to the union of the individual soul and the supreme soul, Jiivatman and Paramatman. This divine union is often referred to as Self-Realization or enlightenment. So that is the goal of yoga, and the way to that goal is laid out in the eight limbs of Yoga or Astaunga Yoga. The popular yoga postures, or asanas, are just one of these eight limbs. One of the other limbs, Yama, includes a practice called Brahmacarya. And in this practice of Brahmacarya we find a beautiful answer to the above question. Brahmacarya is commonly misinterpreted to mean celibacy. But what it actually means is the practice of seeing Brahma, or God, in everything. According to Yoga philosophy, all of reality is a manifestation of cosmic consciousness or Brahma. What we think of as matter, the realm of tables and people and stars and quarks, is all made real through the power of the Cosmic Mind. When the Bible describes God as ‘omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient, meaning all-powerful, all-present and all-knowing, it is talking about the same idea. And it is also remarkably like the world view of many physicists, particularly those who first developed quantum theory, such as Heisenberg, Bohm et al. “The universe begins to look more like a great thought than a great machine.” – Astronomer James Jean. So Brahmacarya means to see everything as a manifestation of cosmic consciousness. It is the complimentary practice to the seventh limb of Yoga, Dhyana, or spiritual meditation. In Dhyana, we seek to realize that we are Brahma. In Brahmacarya we seek to realize that everything else is also Brahma. So that is what a real yogi is supposed to focus on, not just whilst performing Yoga postures, but all the time! Here is a special mantra you can use to help you focus on this idea. Baba Nam Kevalam literally means, ‘only the name of the beloved’. But what it is referring to is this same idea, that everything is a manifestation of Cosmic Consciousness. All is One. Repeat this during your Yoga practice and try to see that everything is Brahma, that everything is a manifestation of divine thought. You can also listen to music with the Baba Nam Kevalam mantra. If you search for Baba Nam Kevalam on Youtube you will get thousands of musical options. Pick a favorite and listen to it during your yoga practice.”]


1 Joshi, Meesha, and Shirley Telles. “Short Communication Immediate Effects Of Right And Left Nostril Breathing On Verbal And Spatial Scores.” Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 52, no. 2 (2008): 197-200.
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