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5 Yoga Poses That Relieve Tailbone Pain (Coccydynia)

Is your lower back in pain? Your tailbone, or coccyx, might be the culprit. This small bone at the bottom of your spine is super easy to injure.1 Tailbone pain is called coccydynia.

Common causes include childbirth, backward falls, and constant sitting.2 These might even put pressure on the surrounding nerves, leading to pain in the arms and legs.


Needless to say, coccyx pain isn’t pretty! This is where the healing power of yoga comes in. Poses that strengthen the spine, hips, and pelvis are the best bet.

To get started, try these 5 yoga exercises for relieving coccyx pain.


1. Cat-Cow Pose

Cat-cow, or chakravakasana, alternates between two different poses. This movement will make your back and stomach stronger, giving your spine awesome support. It’s one of the best yoga exercises for coccydynia.


2. Cobra Pose

For the ultimate back stretch, do the cobra pose, or bhujangasana. This backbend will strengthen the spine and surrounding muscles. Even your shoulders will feel good. Cobra pose benefits all kinds of back pain, including coccydynia.


3. Standing Forward Bend

At first glance, the standing forward bend, or uttanasana, seems too simple. Yet, this yoga pose is perfect for tailbone pain treatment. Your own body weight will lengthen your spine and take pressure off the coccyx. It’ll also stretch out your hamstrings.


4. Reclining Twist

A major goal of tailbone yoga is to release tension in the lower back. You can do this with jathara parivartaranasana, or the reclining twist, which uses the floor as support. It’ll strengthen and stretch the spine, chest, and torso.


5. Downward Facing Dog

Downward facing dog, or adho mukha svanasana, is one of the most popular poses out there. It’s great for your tailbone but also engages your shoulders, arms, and legs. Your entire body will get stronger, giving your back the support it needs.


[expert_opinion expertname=’annieau’ opinion=”The hamstrings are attached to the spinal column through the pelvis. It is hard to elongate the spine when the hamstrings are tight. Try micro-bending your knees in Downward Dog or any forward folds, as it helps create space in the lower spine and allows it to lengthen.”]

Aside from yoga, ice and gel seat cushions will alleviate tailbone pain. It’s also a good idea to avoid sitting for a long time. When sleeping, lie on your belly to remove pressure from your coccyx.3

Your Doubts Answered

1. Is It Safe To Do Yoga With Tailbone Pain?

[expert_opinion expertname=’annieau’ opinion=”It depends on what causes the tailbone pain. Is it muscular tightness impinging on the piriformis muscle? Perhaps the tailbone pain is caused by bruising and feels tender when being touched? Many things can cause tailbone pain, and not all pain is unsafe to do yoga. Secondly, it depends on what type of yoga you’re practicing. Vinyasa or other dynamic styles of yoga might intensify the pain prolonging the recovery time. However, yin or restorative yoga could be a wonderful style of yoga to release tightened muscles and calm the mind.”]


1 Tailbone trauma – aftercare. U.S National Library of Medicine.
2 Back Pain Related to the Coccyx. University of California, San Francisco.
3 Tailbone trauma – aftercare. U.S. National Library of Medicine.
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