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Yoga Asanas For Beginners: Poses To Try If You Are New To Yoga

yoga asanas for beginners

With thousands of asanas, special breathing techniques, and more to master, yoga can seem daunting to any newbie. But yoga doesn’t have to be inaccessible. As you’ll soon discover for yourself, it can actually be an easy workout to do at home, outdoors in the park, or just about anywhere. All you need to know are the basics – and we’re here to help with that!

Create A Yoga Routine With Foundational Poses And Stretches

Some basic asanas and stretches can help you gear up for the more advanced ones you will learn as you become more skilled at yoga. These are often dubbed foundational poses because they form the crux or basis for the next level of your journey with yoga. A good routine for your yoga practice could include the mountain pose, the warrior 2 pose, the cat/cow flow, the tree pose, the easy pose, and rounded off with the corpse pose. These are foundational poses, helping stretch your body and preparing it for more asanas as you progress.1 Other poses that are great for beginners are the child’s pose, the downward facing dog, and the upward facing dog.2 The side angle pose, sitting half spinal twist, cobra, and bridge poses make good additions too.3


Mix and match these routines through the week to give yourself a full body workout and stretch. Each asana has its own benefits for your body, so pick those that help with your specific needs. And don’t forget to read through some basic yoga dos and don’ts before you get started.

Tadasana Or Mountain Pose To Kick Things Off


Doing the tadasana can help improve posture and focus your breathing. Here’s how you do it:4

Virabhadrasana II Or Warrior II To Open Up The Chest And Increase Stamina


The warrior II pose is known to help strengthen your buttocks and back. It opens up the chest and helps with lung health. It can ease backaches and increase stamina and energy levels.5 Follow these steps to do the warrior II pose:6

Utthita Parsvakonasana Or Side Angle Pose To Improve Balance And Hip Flexibility


A pose that segues well from the warrior II pose, the side angle pose enhances your balance and opens up your chest and shoulders. It also helps hip flexibility, strengthens your leg muscles, and stretches the inner thigh.7 This pose can be done with or without a yoga block. The block may make it easier for beginners who are unable to achieve the full stretch comfortably.8:

Vriksasana Or Tree Pose To Revitalize, Stretch, And Strengthen


This pose gives your back, legs, and arms a good stretch and energizes you. It is also said to improve concentration. It can help strengthen the legs, open up the hips, and improve balance. People with sciatica can also benefit from this pose which eases symptoms.9 Here’s how you do it:10

Sukhasana Or Easy Pose To Relax The Body And Mind And Stretch The Spine


This is a relaxing seated pose that lengthens and stretches the spine. It can help you achieve inner calm and enable you to manage stress better.11

Balasana Or Child’s Pose To Overcome Fatigue


The child’s pose helps you to calm your mind, washing away tiredness and fatigue and helping you breathe more consciously.12 This is how you do the asana13:

Marjaryasana/Bitilasana Or Cat/Cow Pose To Warm Up Your Spine And Massage Internal Organs

The cow pose in this flow massages the back and the internal organs in the abdominal region and energizes the spine.14 The cat pose tones your abdominal area, helps digestion, boosts blood circulation, and relaxes your mind.15 For this pose, you need to be down on the floor on your hands and knees.16

Bhujangasana Or Cobra Pose To Strengthen Back Muscles And Flex Spine

The cobra pose improves the flexibility of the spine and also strengthens your back muscles. Here’s how you can perform this asana17:

Adho Mukha Svanasana Or Downward Facing Dog To Aid Digestion And Ease Fatigue

This asana is rejuvenating and calming. As you stretch the calves, hamstrings, arches, shoulders, and hands, you should feel energized. Because it is an inversion, it can prepare a beginner for more advanced, future inversions typical of yoga. The asana is known to ease back pain, fatigue, and headaches, help digestion, and even ease insomnia.18 To do the downward facing dog, go down on your hands and knees and then follow these steps19:

Urdhva Mukha Svansana Or Upward Facing Dog To Strengthen Arms And Ease Backache

This back bending asana stretches the spine and strengthens your arms and wrists. It can relieve a lower backache.20 Here’s how it is done21:

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Or Bridge Pose As A Restorative Pose

Ease back pain, calm your mind, and energize yourself with this restorative pose.22 To do this asana, simply follow these steps[ref23:

Savasana Or Corpse Pose To Ease Stress, Lower BP, And Calm The Mind

The corpse pose is deceptively easy but can take some practice to get right. The goal of this is to give your mind and body complete rest without actually nodding off to sleep. You should enter a deeply meditative state that can relieve stress and even ease high blood pressure. You should emerge from it feeling relaxed and revived.24

Pranayama Or Yogic Breathing To Clear The Mind And Energize You

Learning to breathe properly can do wonders for your mind and health overall. Deep breathing can help lower blood pressure and heart rate and even reduce stress hormones in the body, leaving you feeling more energized yet calm. Breathing techniques like pranayama taught in yoga can help improve immune function as well.25

Equal Breathing Technique Or Sama Vritti: This method focuses on equalizing inhalation and exhalations in the body. It makes you focus your breath effortlessly.26  It can be done seated or lying down or even standing.27

Nadi Shodhana or Alternate Nostril Breathing: This channel cleansing breath helps alleviate anxiety and stress and lowers your heart rate. It is supposed to cleanse the energy channels in the body. Sit cross-legged in a comfortable position before you begin28:


1, 23 10-minute Foundational Yoga Routine. American Council on Exercise.
2, 6, 10, 19, 21 A Beginner’s Guide to Yoga: 5 Widely Practiced Poses. American Council on Exercise.
3 Yoga Asanas and Their Poses for Beginners. The Art of Living.
4, 13 Mueller, Donna. “Yoga Therapy.” ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal 6, no. 1 (2002): 18-hyhen.
5 Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II). Siddhi Yoga International.
7 Lasater, Judith Hanson. 30 Essential Yoga Poses: For Beginning Students and Their Teachers. Shambhala Publications, 2016.
8 Whole-Body Wake-Up Call: Extended Side Angle. Yoga Journal.
9 Tree Pose – Vrikshasana. The Art of Living.
11 Easy pose. Yoga Journal.
12 Yoga for Neck Pain.Yoga Journal.
14 Cow Pose. Yoga Journal.
15 Cat Stretch. The Art of Living.
16 Cat Cows. American Council on Exercise.
17 Rakhshaee, Zahra. “Effect of three yoga poses (cobra, cat and fish poses) in women with primary dysmenorrhea: a randomized clinical trial.” Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology 24, no. 4 (2011):192-196.
18 Downward-Facing Dog. Yoga Journal.
20 Urdhva Mukha Svansana. The Art of Living.
22 Bridge Pose. Yoga Journal.
24 Savasana – Corpse Pose. The Art of Living.
25 Breathing to reduce stress. Department of Health & Human Services, State Government of Victoria, Australia.
26 Breathing exercise for stress. National Health Service.
27 Breathing Lessons. Yoga Journal.
28 Channel-Cleaning Breath. Yoga Journal.
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