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Whiplash Chiropractic Care After An Auto Accident

How Going To A Chiropractor Benefits Your Health

Have you ever been in a car accident or know someone who has? It is never fun. Specifically, being on the receiving end of an accident where you are rear-ended is at best an inconvenience and at most life-threatening.

One common result is whiplash due to the force of the impact that quickly jolts your neck and shoulders forward and back or side to side. A chiropractor is well-equipped to deal with whiplash injuries.


Not only can they ease the pain and discomfort you are feeling, but they are crucial for your defense if you are filing a personal injury case.

Below are some tips to help you with your chiropractic whiplash research.


What Does Chiropractic Treatment For Whiplash Include?

Whiplash or whiplash-associated disorders (WAD’s) are incredibly common results of car accidents.

Most often while wearing a seatbelt, if you are rear-ended your seat belt holds your body in place, but your head moves forward like a whip causing sprains or tears in the muscles in your neck and shoulders.


The extent of this type of injury can be major or minor, but in most cases cause a significant level of discomfort or pain.

Often, whiplash causes your spine to be shifted out of place. A chiropractor will adjust your spine along your back and your neck to return it to its normal position and to restore its natural motion.


Treating your whiplash early can also help reduce any inflammation that could lead to arthritis later on in life. When you talk to your chiropractor remember to discuss how the injury occurred and not just your symptoms.

Letting them know what happened will help them to narrow down the type of injury you may have and give you the best possible treatment.


Some types of treatment that may be prescribed involve strength training exercises, anti-inflammatory drugs or pain relievers, and adjustments (gentle physical manipulations of your spine).

You may even be advised to avoid activities that cause you pain and focus on activities that do not aggravate your neck and shoulders.


For some, this could limit activities they greatly enjoy, but with on-going treatment, they may be able to incorporate those hobbies back into their lifestyle. For severe cases, surgery may be recommended, but it is usually unnecessary unless there is heavy pressure on the nerves or spine.

Most people with whiplash get better in about twelve weeks. If you do not see improvement, a deeper evaluation and more tests may be necessary.


How Can A Chiropractor Help With A Personal Injury Case?

Seeing a chiropractor can help determine how severe your whiplash is, how it affects you presently and how it will affect you in the future.

Why Is This Important?

Present pain can make you lose days on your job, lessen your ability to drive or make it hard to sleep. In the future, you may have to take disability, lose your range of motion, and stop participating in physical activities you used to enjoy.

The long term effects could even involve permanent movement loss and poor memory function. The x-rays taken and treatments a chiropractor will provide can be the evidence you need to win your case.

Chiropractic treatment for whiplash also requires long-term follow-up, so providing the evidence of all scheduled appointments can prove the severity of your whiplash injury and support your case in your favor.

Determining If You Need Chiropractic Treatment For Whiplash

After a car accident, even if you have only a tiny suspicion that you may have whiplash, go to a doctor right away. Waiting only hurts your chance to win a personal injury case.

Chiropractors will document all of your visits and provide you with copies of charts, x-rays, other procedures done, and prescriptions you are given. Remember, your first priority after being rear-ended in a car accident is to get medical attention immediately.

Chiropractic treatment after you have been rear-ended can make the difference between relief and suffering, particularly if you experience whiplash. Not only can you avoid future pain, but you can also avoid the mental anguish of losing your personal injury case.

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