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4 Things You Need To Give Up, Even If You Don’t Want To

It can be difficult to let some habits go, but doing so will lead to more fulfillment.

It is natural in all human beings to do some things that may not always be helpful or productive, even if these habits bring some sort of comfort. All of our personalities have some sort of shortcoming, and some human traits are mostly universal. All of us have, to some degree, some traits that are inherent. Sometimes, these traits are actually helpful (depending on the situation) and can actually push us to do more than we are capable. However, there is also the other side of the coin where the same traits can become obstacles that hinder us on the path to success. The traits mentioned below tend to have a negative effect on us and our endeavors, and are also dangerous enough to become a habit if not checked on once in a while. It’s normal to have these come up once in a while, but make sure they don’t rule your life. Giving them up can bring more fulfillment and peace in your life, and can push you to become a better version of yourself:

  1. The Need To Be Right 

    It takes a lot of courage for us to admit our mistakes, but most people never feel brave enough to do so. The need to be right has been one of the biggest strains on relationship, and has even broken people up. There is no denying the sense of dread that comes from accepting that you are wrong, but it does not excuse any person from it. Mistakes are forgivable, and those who matter will always come to support you and stick by you. Once you become honest with yourself and the people around you, relationships become more meaningful and you will garner more respect.

  2. The Need To Complain 

    Complaining is one of the easiest, and sometimes the most enjoyable thing to do. Every single one of us enjoys a grumbling session now and then because it helps us to vent and get our negative feelings out. This is fine, and when we are vocal about the things that bother us, we are inviting people to help us out with advice and suggestions that may ultimately solve our problem. However, when we make this the only habit, we breed negativity all around us, which is not only unhealthy for our mental well-being, but also drives people away. No one likes to be with someone who is constantly complaining, and complaining achieves nothing.

  3. The Need To Control 

    The need for control is one of the most inherent needs in human beings, but it is also the cause of conditions like depression and anxiety. Some thing are going to be in our control, but most things we have no control over. Even if we feel like we have done everything right and have our conditions controlled, like good grades and a great application profile when we apply to a college program, we have no control over the actual outcome, such as a rejection despite the right profile. We feel anxious because we have no control, and then we feel depressed because we have no control. Both these reactions are because we do not want to accept the situation that comes our way. When we let go of the need to control everything that happens in our life, we begin to accept everything a lot more.

  4. The Need To Make Excuses 

    Making excuses is a natural defense for something not having gone our way. It is easier to blame external circumstances for any failures, and we believe it to be true even in the face of evidence. Most often, we try to take the easy way out because hard work can be daunting, and we prefer to blame something else rather than take measures to prevent this from happening again. There will always be things that limit us, but overcoming them is important, and even if we can’t overcome something, we need to find ways to still get to the goal. If we feel strongly enough for something, making excuses won’t be an option.

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