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7 Things Mature Women Do In A Relationship

Do you think you're a mature partner in a relationship

There are always two kinds of people in a relationship: the mature ones and the immature ones. The maturity isn’t just about how you are as a partner in a relationship, but also how you are as an individual.

Relationships come with their own unique struggles, and how you handle them can be the difference between being in a mature, healthy relationship, and an immature and an unhappy one. Being mature also saves you a lot of miscommunication and heartache when you’re with a partner, a friend or a family member. This maturity is the greatest asset in a romantic relationship. You need to know what to do, but more importantly, you also need to know what not to do. Here are some of the markers of what a mature woman does in a romantic relationship:


1. She Doesn’t Sacrifice Other Relationships

It’s natural for someone to pull away from friendships for a while after they get into a relationship, especially during the honeymoon phase, but a mature woman knows the value of other relationships too. Friends and family have been there through thick and thin, so completely cutting them out to spend time with a partner isn’t the right thing to do. A mature woman makes sure that everyone important in her life knows that she’s going to be there regardless of a new relationship.

2. She Feels Grateful

It’s easy to become less appreciative and thankful about a partner as the months pass by, but a mature woman knows the value of a good partner. She says thank you and please often to show her partner how much he is appreciated, which is not only wonderful for her partner but also strengthens the relationship. It is a gift to be with a good person, and she understands this.


3. She Is Financially Independent

A mature woman also knows the importance of financial independence and doesn’t let the partner make all the financial decisions of the house. She doesn’t want to ask her partner to provide everything for her, and instead is proud of whatever she is able to achieve and do for herself. Her independence is her most important asset, and she never gives it up for anyone.

4. She Believes In Different Versions Of Happiness

A lot of people believe that what movies and media show as happiness can be the only version, but a mature woman knows that happiness comes in various shades and colors, and is dependent on the individual. She knows that what makes her happy doesn’t always make her partner happy and vice versa, and she allows the space for each to enjoy their own time.


5. She Won’t Compromise Her Self-Respect

Self-respect is one of the major markers of a mature woman, and she does not compromise on it under any circumstances. She never lets her partner degrade her or talk to her in a condescending manner, and never stands for disrespect. She expects the same respect she gives to her partner, and any threat to her own self-respect can be a serious offense.

6. She Has Her Own Identity

It’s easy to get lost within your partner and his hobbies and opinions, but a mature woman knows the also maintain space and her own identity through a relationship. Alone time is necessary to relax and recuperate at times, and keeping an individual identity enhances and accentuates the relationship. After all, her partner fell in love with her because of her identity and she knows that.


7. She Enjoys Her Private Life Offline

Finally, a mature woman knows where to draw the line when it comes to social media. She doesn’t share her relationship worries and woes publicly, nor does she plaster her entire account with pictures of her beau. She doesn’t like the idea of the world knowing all about her relationship. She also knows that some things are always going to be between her and her partner, and always keeps this personal intimacy between themselves.

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