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Tag: Women’s Health

7 Problems That Are Completely Normal During Pregnancy

Unexplained vaginal pressure, swollen feet, a persistent backache, morning sickness, excess vaginal discharge, and hemorrhoids are some of the many symptoms that crop up in pregnancy. Most of these conditions are harmless and tend to get resolved on their own as time goes by. However, vomiting to the point of dehydration, bleeding from the vagina, a high blood pressure, and vaginal infections must be addressed by your doctor in a timely manner.

6 Ways To Prepare For A Better Labor And Birth Experience

A mother envisages her labor to be over in a series of quick pushes and ending with her newborn crying and wriggling in her arms....

Why Induction Is Recommended For Older Women Or Those Past Due Date?

There is a lot of hemming and hawing over the right time to make babies. However, the statistics reveal that the number of women...
folic acid during pregnancy

Folate Or Folic Acid During Pregnancy: A Vital Ingredient For Your Baby’s Health

Folic acid is a critical B vitamin for your body when you’re planning a pregnancy. It significantly lowers risk of major neural tube birth defects in the baby including spina bifida, anencephaly, and encephalocele and can ward off folate deficiency anemia in the expectant mum, too. Just be sure to get the right dosage – too much can be equally bad. If you have a family history of neural tube defects, are diabetic, or have epilepsy, however, you may need higher folate intake. For everyone else, a 0.4mg intake will suffice.

7 Weird Things All Women Do With Their Female BFFs

When two girls are best friends, they share an unusual bond with each other. They will fight with each other but they will also...

6 Things You Shouldn’t Say To Your Daughters To Raise Them Strong

Little children can get affected very easily by the words that are said to them. Raising children in general is a hard thing, but...

Everything You Need To Know About Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is a routine and normal part of most pregnancies. It can be caused by hormonal changes and changes to sensory systems. Morning sickness may help protect the mother and baby by causing aversions to foods like meat, poultry, and eggs which can carry harmful illnesses and substances. To avoid nausea, snack on bland foods, sniff lemon and ginger to relieve nausea. Remember to drink fluids to prevent dehydration from vomiting

Postmenopausal Atrophic Vaginitis 101

Postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis, also known as atrophic vaginitis, is an inflammation of the vagina, mainly brought on by a decrease in estrogen in a woman's body and is common in menopausal women. Accompanied by symptoms like vaginal itching, pain during intercourse, and urinary tract infections, this condition may be treated using topical estrogen application methods, vaginal lubricants and moisturizers, and sometimes, even hormone replacement therapy, depending on the symptoms.

Breastfeeding A Baby With Health Problems

Breastfeeding is indeed a challenge for new moms. It becomes all the more difficult if your baby has a health problem. Even if he/she...

Addiction And Its Varied Effects On Women And Men

Studies have found that the impact of addiction on male and female brains are very different from each other. This is primarily due to...

8 Techniques For Long Hair Every Woman Should Know

Almost every woman wishes she had long, flowing locks that she could show off to the world. But if your hair stubbornly remains shoulder-length,...

4 Unspoken Truths About Men That Women Don’t Know

Women tend to think that men have all the advantage when it comes to dating. Grass is always greener on the other side, isn’t...

10 Natural Ways To Increase Your Breast Milk

Breastfeeding can be a beautiful bonding experience between mother and child but low milk supply can cause frustration and anxiety. The only clear way to check milk supply is to track the baby's weight gain. To increase milk supply, help the baby with a good latch, nurse frequently, and express or pump milk in between feedings. Fenugreek, ginger, milk thistle and goat's rue may increase production.

Pregnancy Symptoms Vs PMS Symptoms: What’s The Difference?

Pregnancy and PMS have similar symptoms. PMS symptoms disappear when the period starts and are short-lived, whereas pregnancy symptoms might last longer. Commonly confused symptoms include food cravings, breast pain, spotting, nausea, mood changes, fatigue, and cramping. If in doubt, take a pregnancy test to be clear. If the symptoms, signs, and tests are unclear, visit your doctor at the earliest.

Forceps-Assisted Birth: What Are The Pros And Cons?

The process of labor and birth don't always progress as anticipated. Under certain circumstances, your baby needs some external assistance to help them with the birth....