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Tag: Thyroid Health

Best Super Foods For Thyroid Health

The 8 Best Super Foods For Thyroid Health

The thyroid gland is small, but mighty because it controls and plays important roles in so many different functions of the body. There are...

Essential Diet Tips To Maintain Thyroid Health

Thyroid can be managed with a balanced diet. Include veggies like tomato, pumpkin, peas, cucumber, carrots, celery and fruits like mangoes, oranges, pomegranates, guavas, cherries, apricots, apples, kiwis. Include iodine-rich foods like navy beans, eggs, milk, fishes. Limit consumption of soy, kale, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower. Cut down on fats, sugary foods, processed foods and alcohol.
Symptoms of thyroid dirorder

12 Million Women Ignore These Symptoms Of Thyroid Disorder

An estimated 27 million Americans are living with a thyroid condition and they are not even aware of it! The numbers would be much...
Hashimoto's Disease

Foods to Eat and Avoid For Hashimoto’s Disease [Thyroid Related Auto Immune Disease]

Thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease that targets the thyroid gland which plays a key role in maintaining immunity. Consume fruits, vegetables, beans, fish, raw nuts, quinoa and buckwheat. Add sea salt and spices. Avoid caffeinated drinks, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, trans fats and allergen causing foods such as shellfish, soy, gluten, dairy and peanuts.
weight loss tips for women over 40

Weight-Loss Tips For Women Over 40

Maintaining the ideal weight becomes difficult due to the body’s reducing metabolism with age. The excess weight also consequently makes you susceptible to different diseases. Incorporate these few tips every day to help lose those extra pounds and keep you healthy.
Excellent Essential Oils for an Underactive Thyroid

Excellent Essential Oils For An Underactive Thyroid

Peppermint, Frankincense, Lemongrass and Rosemary oils can reduce fatigue, depression, headaches and inflammation, all of which are linked with under active thyroid. Consume in tiny drops or infuse with tea. The oils also heal dry skin and boost digestion. Myrtle oil is an adaptogenic aid and works either ways to neutralize an over or under active thyroid.

Eating Less But Gaining Weight?

This may be occurring due to thyroid dysfunction, which directly affects your metabolism. Signs of an under active thyroid includes depression, constipation, hair loss and exhaustion. Include Omega 3 rich foods like walnuts, chia seeds and salmon. Also eat foods rich in Vitamin B, Iodine (Cod Fish), Selenium Brazil Nuts), Iron and Vitamin C.
Hypothyroid And Its Treatment [Eastern Medicine]

Hypothyroid And Its Treatment [Eastern Medicine]

According to the American Thyroid Association (ATA), 12–18% of the American population is hypothyroid, with women being 5–8 times more likely to be hypothyroid...
Try fish pose for thyroid

Yoga Asanas For Thyroid Problems: A Naturally Healthy Thyroid

Sarvangasana cures thyroid imbalance by boosting blood flow and pushing purified blood to the thyroid gland. Practice it in the early morning and evening, starting with a duration of 2 mins and extending up to 10 mins. Follow it up with matsyasana, which releases pressure on the neck and the tongue, strengthens the lower back, spine, and core region, and improves the nervous system. Hold the pose for 15 secs.
Is It Normal To Miss Period And Not Be Pregnant

Is It Normal To Miss Period And Not Be Pregnant

Curejoy Expert Claude Butler Explains: Most women have between 11 and 13 menstrual periods each year. But everyone is different. You may have more or...
Do You Really Need To Stop Eating Gluten?

Do You Really Need To Stop Eating Gluten? [Part 1]

“Gluten is not bad for you, bad gluten is bad for you…”, says Dr. Tom O’Bryan, the boss of everything gluten. I listened to his...

How Do Goitrogenic Foods Affect The Thyroid?

An estimate of more than 20 million people in the United States have some form of thyroid disease, the most common being hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)....

Thyroid Disease: What Do You Do When The Medications Don’t Work?

  According to the most up to date research approximately 90% of patients with hypothyroidism have it as a result of an auto-immune reaction called...
Tips To Identify And Tackle Thyroid Problems Early QnA with Micheal Taggart.

Tips To Identify And Tackle Thyroid Problems Early: QnA with Dr. Micheal Taggart.

Dr. Taggart has been practicing in Kirkland for the last 20 years using metabolic testing and advanced neurological therapies to help his patients restore...
Is Hypothyrodism Creating an Unhealthy Hormonal Chaos in Your Body?

Is Hypothyrodism Creating an Unhealthy Hormonal Chaos in Your Body?

What is Hypothyroidism? Hypothyroidism happens when your thyroid gland, at the front of your neck, doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone (underactive thyroid). There are several...