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Tag: Prostate Cancer

Ovarian Cysts And Cancer: Early Signs And Natural Remedies

Ovarian cysts and cancer are often difficult to diagnose until it's too late. In fact, that's why Ovarian cancer has earned the Silent Killer...

Can Vitamin D Keep Prostate Cancer At Bay?

Vitamin D binds to the prostate tissue and controls cell division. It also reduces the levels of cell lipids and proteins responsible for inflammation. Men with healthy levels of vitamin D tend to have less aggressive prostate cancers and lower rates of death from cancer. Vitamin D also slows down and reverses the progression of less aggressive prostate tumors, reducing the need for surgery or radiation.

Tips For Recovery After Prostate Cancer Surgery

Pelvic floor muscle training hastens the recovery of urinary control and erectile function. To avoid potential side effects of radical prostatectomy, commit to a program of Kegel pelvic floor exercises both before and after the prostate surgery. Pelvic floor muscle training program must be designed around muscle education, biofeedback, progressive intensity and resistance.

Facts About Prostate Cancer You Might Not Know

Prostate cancer is quite common (affects 16% men) but mostly benign (only 3% die of it). Lower urinary tract disorders can indicate prostate problems. Exercise your pelvic floor muscles, eat vegetables rich in lutein (broccoli), beta-carotene (spinach), and lycopene (tomatoes), and cut down on animal fat and processed foods to improve prostate health and reduce cancer risk.

Can Cruciferous Vegetables Help You Fight Cancer?

Cruciferous veggies contain several carotenoids that can prevent some forms of cancer. They also contain glucosinolates, that break down during digestion into biologically active compounds. These enhance elimination of carcinogens before they can damage DNA, or by altering cell-signaling pathways that prevent normal cells from being converted into cancer cells.
How Flaxseed Lowers Cholesterol And Prostate Cancer Risk

How Flaxseed Lowers Cholesterol And Prostate Cancer Risk

A new study from the Canadian Center for Agri-Food Research affirms that flaxseeds can promote cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of breast and prostate cancer. They contain a high amount of lignans- fiber compounds that can bind to estrogen receptors and interfere with the cancer-promoting effects of estrogen on breast and prostate tissue.
12 Medical Procedures Even Doctors Claim Are Useless.

12 Medical Procedures Even Doctors Claim Are Useless.

  Doctors are often criticized for prescribing unneeded tests and procedures that harm more than they help and add to medical costs that could otherwise...
8 Myths About Prostate Cancer You Always Believed.

8 Myths About Prostate Cancer You Always Believed.

The taboo associated with discussing and potentially learning more about anything related to sex, kept prostate cancer talks tucked deep within the closet for many years. Considering...
Superfoods That Are Great For Prostate

Superfoods for Great Results: Prostate Cancer Diet

Superfoods to combat prostate cancer are: Green tea - combats prostate cancer due to its polyphenol content, Turmeric - combats damaging free radicals and boosts immune system, Broccoli and Tomato, Brazil nuts - highest source of selenium that scavenges free radicals, Pomegranates - contains phytonutrient called ellagitannin that promotes prostate health.
Does Fish Oil Really Boost Prostate Cancer?

Does Fish Oil Really Boost Prostate Cancer Risk?

On July 10, 2013, the media jumped on news that too much fish oil might boost prostate cancer risk. As someone who has studied...