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Top 5 Diet Myths That Hinder Weight Loss

In the eagerness to lose weight fast, many people fall prey to myths related to weight loss. By adopting unscientific and incorrect dietary practices, they may end up causing more harm to their health instead of losing weight gradually. Completely avoiding carbs and gluten, following detox diets, and eliminating foods that are vital for health are some common mistakes that people do while trying to lose weight.

4 Brilliant Reasons To Include Fermented Beets In Your Diet

Fermentation of beets intensifies its content of carotenoids, minerals, and vitamins. Scientific studies have revealed that eating beets in moderation can lower hypertension due to its high inorganic nitrate content. Dietary fiber in it improves digestion and makes you feel full for longer. Being high in vitamins B and C makes it one of the best immune-boosting foods.

Why Diet Food Is Not Necessarily Clean Food

There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding healthy eating and even more when it comes to clean eating. Food bloggers have been promoting clean...

All About Water-Soluble B Complex And C Vitamins

Water-soluble vitamins include vitamin C and eight B vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, biotin, folate, and cobalamin. The body doesn’t store them, so your everyday diet should have enough. All B vitamins serve as coenzymes for essential functions like metabolism, energy production, and DNA synthesis. Many are also needed for a healthy nervous system and brain health. Vitamin C, a potent antioxidant, supports the immune system by enhancing immune cells.

6 Hazardous Ingredients Hidden In The Modern Diet

The modern diet today has a lot of processed, packaged and GM foods, There are certain ingredients that can cause several health disorders lurking in today's diet. Refined sugar and salt are found in almost every food item and are known risk factors for diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. Similarly, soyabeans, additives, trans fats and GMO's are proven to be unsafe for human consumption.

7 Ways To Reduce Your Risk Of Cancer

To prevent cancer, eat antioxidant-rich food like berries, whole grains, and leafy vegetables. Avoid smoking and drinking excessively as they could contribute to the growth of cancer cells. Additionally, analyze your family history and if you're at risk, get screened for cancer. Also, exercise regularly and maintain a healthy BMI. Furthermore, check your body regularly for any abnormal skin discoloration or moles, as they could be a sign of cancer.

Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment Of H. Pylori Infection

An H. Pylori infection can cause several stomach and gastrointestinal issues. Though it's mostly seen in children, adults too can pick up the bacteria infestation. The infection spreads through contaminated water or food and it's usually treated with the help of antibiotics. You could also include broccoli, green tea, and probiotics into your diet to promote faster healing. Avoid alcohol and spicy food, or you risk aggravating it.

5 Creative Yet Healthy Pumpkin Recipes To Enjoy

Pumpkins are nutritious and can also enhance the flavor of your daily recipes. Add them to your breakfast oatmeal for a morning twist. Spread pumpkin butter on your toast rather than the usual toast spread. Keep yourself warm and healthy with a pumpkin soup. For snacks, have pumpkin bread or pumpkin hummus with fresh vegetables.

4 Things That Are Aggravating Your Depression

Depression is a silent thief that comes without any sound and robs us of our peace. This debilitating condition affects more than 350 million...
How to lower your blood sugar with better sleep

7 Tips For Better Sleep And Lower Blood Sugar

When you’re a diabetic, almost everything in your life revolves around maintaining a normal blood sugar level. But while you might be doing everything...

How To Drink Alcohol Without Gaining Weight

Drinking alcohol in excess has many negative effects on your body, including making you gain weight. If you're trying to maintain a healthy weight, you need not quit drinking alcohol completely. Moderation is the key. Adopt some healthy habits like being conscious of what you drink, eating healthy snacks before, during, and after drinking, and focus on reducing the calories.

4 Reasons Why Diets Are Bad For The Body And Mind

The restrictive nature of diets makes weight loss both unsustainable and unhealthy in the long run. By categorizing foods as "good" and "bad", diets encourage developing an unhealthy relationship with food. Going on and off diets can increasing one's risk of developing heart disease and eating disorders. Furthermore, diets don't address the root cause of emotionally-driven eating habits, thus ultimately making a person revert to his old unhealthy ways.

Treating Attention-Deficit Disorders: The Importance Of Nutrition

Attention-deficit disorders, namely ADHD and ADD, affect one's ability to focus and be attentive. Ongoing research is looking into the link between nutrition and attention disorders. Deficiencies in zinc, iron, magnesium, and vitamin B6 are common in ADHD patients. Artifical colorings and additives might account for 10% of hyperactivity in children. Excessive consumption of simple sugar might worsen hyperactivity. Certain symptoms of omega 3 deficiency and ADHD are similar.

5 Reasons Why You’re Not Able To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

Reducing the waistline and getting a toned midsection is probably one the biggest driving factors for most overweight people to toil in the gym....

Tips To Stay Healthy On A Gluten-Free Diet

Gluten-free diets aren't necessarily healthy on their own. Carefully read the labels of all products carefully to avoid an allergic reaction. Keep up with your intake of vitamin B complex, fiber, iron, and calcium. Soak your grains to break down phytic acid which affects nutrient absorption. Opt for local and seasonal foods since they're more nutritious. Stay informed about foods that contain gluten. Stock up on gluten-free alternatives and experiment with food.