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Tag: Bone Health

10 Reasons You Should Focus On Strength Training Over Cardio

Strength training targets specific muscles and builds muscle mass, It helps achieve a better body composition and higher resting metabolic rate (burning even more calories while doing nothing!). Lifting weights means stronger bones and a better posture and unlike cardio, it burns only fat, not muscle. Sculpt your body while lowering cortisol and estrogen that hinder weight loss.

On Allergy-Free Diet, Add Supplements For Good Bone Health

Vegan, vegetarian, and alkaline diets deny us of the recommended dose of nutrients that are needed for healthy bones. The lactose intolerant should supplement with calcium, vit D, and magnesium. Vegans should add vegan nutritional yeast (vit B12), soy beans (proteins), citrus fruits (vit C), kale and leafy greens (vit K) in their diet. Gluten-free diets need external silicon and magnesium.

3 Healthy Stuffed Avocado Recipes You Should Try

Beans Mix: In a processor, mildly blend 1 cup cannellini beans, 4 basil leaves, 4 pimentos-stuffed olives, 1/4 tsp sea salt, 2 tbsp olive oil. Eggs Mix: 2 mashed boiled eggs, 1 diced green onion, 1 tbsp chopped dill, 2 tbsp olive oil, 1/4 tsp dry mustard, 1 tbsp white balsamic vinegar. Salmon Mix: 1 tin salmon, 1 tbsp sliced dill, 1 diced celery stalk, 1 sliced green onion, mayonnaise.

What Causes Pain In Fingertips?

Raynaud’s disease hinders blood flow to the body’s extremities, including fingers. Peripheral neuropathy due to diabetes causes tingling, pain, or numbness in the fingertips. Frostbites are triggered by prolonged cold and result in numbness. Osteoarthritis can affect finger joints. Skin conditions like Shingles and cellulitis may cause fingertip pain. Shun cigarettes and caffeine!

Healthy Food Choices And Remedies To Treat Arthritis Naturally

Arthritis is painful, and it gets worse with age. Most people accept the pain as part of life and take medications to keep it...

Can Arthritis Strike At A Young Age Too?

Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid and Juvenile Idiopathic arthritis (JIA) can occur even in young adults and are caused by injuries, autoimmune conditions and idiopathic reasons respectively. These causes are not related to age unlike inflammation and deterioration of cartilage, which is the major cause of age related arthritis. Standing or sitting for long increases risk.
Bee Venom An Elixir In Disguise?

Bee Venom: An Elixir In Disguise?

Bee venom has over 18 pharmacologically active components including various enzymes, pep-tides and amines. Bee venom therapy, a branch of naturopathy, is used to treat arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, sciatica, low back pain, tennis elbow, tendinitis and fibrositis. It should be avoided by pregnant women and those prone to allergies.
Glycine, Collagen, Gelatin, Bone and Aging. Chew On It.

Glycine, Collagen, Gelatin, Bone and Aging. Chew On It.

Proteins are made up of Glycine, a conditionally essential amino acid. It is needed for collagen (form providing primary structural protein) creation. Diet low in protein causes slow down of collagen turnover. Damaged build up of protein in skin, bone, etc hastens aging process. Have protein rich bone broths or add high quality gelatin to soups, sauces and smoothies.
Foods to heal broken bones

9 Essential Foods To Heal Bone Fractures Faster

If you've broken a bone, eat a high-calorie diet rich in calcium and protein – like milk and meat – the building blocks for the bone. Eat citrus fruits to reduce inflammation and vitamin D foods like eggs and fatty fish to absorb calcium better. Eat fruits like apricot and prunes for potassium, oysters for zinc, and red meat for iron, all of which speed healing. Skip alcohol and coffee till you recover fully.
4 Top Causes Of Career Threatening Elbow Pain

4 Top Causes Of Career Threatening Elbow Pain

Epicondylitis- Tendon damage causes pain from elbow to wrist on underside of forearm. Bursitis - Irritation to the olecranon bursa causes inflammation and extra fluid built up in elbow joint. Cubital tunnel syndrome – caused when ulnar nerve is compressed or irritated. Arthritis - due to wear and tear of bone cartilage and cushioning between joints.
Restorative Yoga Practice To Relieve Chronic Arthritis Pain

Restorative Yoga Practice To Relieve Chronic Arthritis Pain

Yoga for arthritis pain relief doesn't necessarily have to be pain staking. It can be tailored for different joints and doesn't have to be the hard ones. Yoga helps to create heat in the joints through deliberate breathing and movement, which eases chronic arthritis pain. Poses like padmasana, Vajrasan, Paschimottasana and pawanmuktasana do help a lot.
11 Must Have Foods In Your Bone Strengthening Diet

11 Must Have Foods In Your Bone Strengthening Diet

Calcium helps support your bones and teeth structure, while vitamin D improves calcium absorption and bone growth. Eat foods like yogurt, milk, cheese, sardines, eggs, salmon, spinach, fortified cereal, tuna, collard green and orange juice. Also prunes and raisins provide boron and other nutrients that are insufficient in today’s diet, needed for strong bones.
Depression Hurts, Your Bones Included

Dealing With Depression: Best Lifestyle And Medication

Depression is like a severe and prolonged state of stress on bones making osteoporosis more likely. It causes the brain to produce dangerously high levels of hormones that aid bone loss. Studies show that older people with depression have low bone mass indicating osteoporosis. Medications for depression can also increase osteoporosis risk, so opt for a natural cure.

Add Tomatoes To Your Healthy Blood Pressure Diet

Contains rich amounts of potassium and lycopene, both of which reduce heart disease risk and promote skin health. It is 93% water and comes with antioxidant properties which prevents cancer. Also contains loads of vitamin K2 which promotes bone health. And most of all it is easy to grow and cheap to purchase.
Fragility Fracture Could Be A Sign Of Osteoporosis

Fragility Fracture Could Be A Sign Of Osteoporosis

According to experts, people suffering from fragility fracture may be at risk for osteoporosis. It is medically referred to as broken bone that’s caused by a fall. Doctors say that a healthy person can normally sustain a fall from standing and not have a fracture of any type. So any fracture indicates an underlying bone disorder, like osteoporosis or osteopenia.