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These remedies reduce the appearance of stretch marks

8 Home Remedies To Help Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks aren't dangerous or painful, but people are often distressed by their appearance. They are caused by weight gain, growth spurts, and pregnancy. Some ways to reduce their appearance naturally are lemon juice, aloe vera, sugar, egg white, potato juice, coconut oil, olive oil, and vitamin E capsules. To prevent more from forming, stay hydrated, maintain your weight, and wear supportive underwear.

5 Things You Should Know About Peeling Skin On Eyelids

The most common and well-known cause of your eyelid skin peeling off is known as eyelid contact dermatitis. It occurs when your eyes have been irritated with an allergen, like soaps and detergents. Maintaining proper eye hygiene, combating dandruff issues, if any, and cleaning the eyes with a warm soak can help. If the eye condition gets worse and makes you uncomfortable, see a doctor immediately.

Five Home Remedies To Manage A Hives Outbreak

Hives, or urticaria, is a skin disorder that causes red spots or rashes on the skin. Allergies, drugs, parasites, insect bites, and sun damage are some causes of hives. Treat hives at home with natural ingredients. Oats and apple cider vinegar relieve the symptoms of hives. Aloe vera and baking soda reduce inflammation. Licorice root has anti-allergic properties. Although hives last only for about 24 hours, if symptoms persist, do consult a medical professional.

Sunken Eyes: Causes, Prevention, And Home Remedies

Sunken eyes often give one the appearance of looking dull, tired and sometimes unhealthy. Don't try to cover up with makeup, Here's how to target the root causes. These include lack of sleep, dehydration, smoking, genetics, aging, sun exposure, and dramatic weight loss. Effective home remedies include almond oil, coconut oil, potato slices, and cucumber slices. In addition, drink plenty of water, sleep well, and avoid smoking.

10 Most Effective Home Remedies To Cure Dizziness

Dizziness can be cured by consuming vitamin-C rich lemon and Indian gooseberries. In addition to this, antioxidant-rich ginger tea, getting a lavender oil massage, or practicing some deep breathing exercises and rapid eye movement exercises can also help.
DIY Remedies To Remove Blackheads

Natural DIY Remedies To Remove Blackheads

It takes time, money and patience to keep your face glowing and smooth. No one’s perfect, there are times when we don’t exfoliate our...
Gastroparesis can be treated by eating right, exercising, and using home remedies

3 Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Gastroparesis Naturally

We normally experience fullness after a heavy meal, but imagine having that constant dull feeling of satiety and bloating even on an empty stomach...
home remedies for wisdom tooth pain

Try These 5 Easy Home Remedies For Wisdom Tooth Pain

Wisdom tooth pain usually occurs when these large molars emerge and there's no space near the existing teeth to accommodate them. Keep the area clean and bacteria-free. Try a salt water or turmeric mouthwash, clove oil, or a paste of ginger and cayenne pepper to soothe the pain. You can also chill vegetables like potatoes, cucumber, and cabbage and apply these to the tooth for relief.
10 Home Remedies To Brighten Up Dull Skin

10 Home Remedies To Brighten Up Dull Skin

Skin dullness is a problem that plagues many of us. Many factors such as a poor diet, unhealthy lifestyle, stress, lack of sleep, pollution and harmful chemicals contribute to skin dullness. When the skin becomes dull, it makes us look older and unhealthy. By using commonly found items in your kitchen, you can easily treat skin dullness and restore its glow and youthfulness.
6 Natural Home Remedies For Treating Mosquito Bites

6 Natural Home Remedies For Treating Mosquito Bites

Ice delivers a cold sensation that numbs itching and reduces swelling. Toothpaste can help cure mosquito bites too thanks to the combined action of the cooling effects of menthol and baking soda which is a popular acid neutralizer. Onions rich in quercetin acts as a natural anti-histamine, while the anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of honey also make it an effective home remedy for mosquito bites.

9 Natural, Effective Remedies For Ringworm

Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin and causes red, itchy and scaly patches on the skin. The name ‘ringworm’ is a bit...
natural remedies to treat depression

Top 10 Natural Remedies To Treat Depression

Cognitive behavioral therapy, aromatherapy, yoga, sunlight exposure, and bright light therapy can help fight depression. Modify your diet to include more omega-3 fatty acids that fight inflammation and cut out trans fats and sugars. Ashwagandha and St. John’s wort are two herbal remedies you can consider. Just nurturing relationships and opening up to those around you will also chip away at the condition.
home remedies to treat bv (bacterial vaginosis)

7 Best Home Remedies To Treat BV (Bacterial Vaginosis)

Bacterial vaginosis is a common vaginal infection where the bad bacteria in your vagina outnumber the good bacteria. Including garlic and yogurt in your diet, using a garlic or boric acid suppository, and rinsing with yogurt, diluted tea tree oil, or a goldenseal solution can be helpful. Meanwhile, not using soap to clean your vagina, wearing cotton underwear, and practicing safe sex may help prevent this infection.
home remedies for dry mouth

10 Easy Home Remedies For Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is caused by the lack of sufficient saliva in your mouth. While mainstream remedies include oral moisturizers or artificial saliva, you can sort out a dry mouth with some home remedies. Sucking on ice chips, drinking lots of fluids, and chewing on sugar-free candies or gum can help. So can using a humidifier, having papaya or pineapple, and avoiding caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, and drying oral products. Also pay attention to your oral hygiene.

7 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Nausea

If you’re feeling nauseous, drink water or eat something light. Rice, toast, and crackers are easy on the stomach. Suck on a lemon wedge or drink warm lemon water. Teas made with ginger, peppermint, and chamomile will also calm the stomach. If you don't have access to these, sniff ginger or peppermint oil. Lying down or putting your head in between your knees will also help, especially if nausea is from seasickness or motion sickness.