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Tips To Spot Clean Foods At The Supermarket

7 Harmful Ingredients To Watch Out For In Packaged Foods

If you are trying to be more mindful of the foods you are eating, it is important that you look deeper than just the...

Suffering From Chronic Pain? Stay Away From These 7 Foods

Many of us suffer from chronic pain and fibromyalgia is the most common form of chronic pain. Fibromyalgia is a condition that is characterized...

7 Effective Ways To Avoid Eating Refined Carbs

Refined carbs are the bad carbs that do you a lot of harm and very little good. These are foods that are processed and refined so much that all the nutrients, minerals, and fibers are removed. Understand what refined carbs are and figure out how much of a part they play in your diet. Takes steps to eat the right carbs and avoid the bad ones by avoiding sugar, snacking healthily, and more.

5 Science-Backed Methods To Ensure A Healthy Gut

Maintaining the balance of your gut bacteria is vital for a healthy life and to prevent deadly diseases. Harmful chemicals found in water, foods, and in hand sanitizers and antibacterial products upset this balance and kill the beneficial bacteria. Besides reducing the use of bacteria-killing products, switching over to natural sweeteners, organic fruits and vegetables and chemical-free foods can help you ensure the balance of your gut bacteria.

7 Ways To Effectively Beat Your Food Cravings

Food cravings are fueled by emotion, stress, or simply not eating a satisfying meal. Avoid artificial sweeteners because they won’t meet your sugar cravings, and only make you want more. Eat fiber and protein to increase fullness and satiety. Drink water, because dehydration often shows up as hunger. Never skip meals because you’ll just feel ravenous later on, and be sure to manage stress and get enough sleep. Otherwise, the hunger hormone ghrelin will spike up.
Dangerous additives for your brain

5 Additives That Are Dangerous For Your Brain’s Health

You can’t really escape additives; they’re everywhere. Unless your diet is made up entirely of ingredients fresh from the farm, chances are you’re consuming...

The Common Causes Of Penis Allergies

If your penis is irritated after sex, it could be an allergic reaction. It’s possible to have a latex allergy, so try synthetic condoms. Fragrances, colors, flavors, and spermicides in condoms or lubricants may not agree with your skin. Even products on your partner’s body can cause irritation. Use lube to avoid friction from dry sex, and know that men can get a yeast infection after having unprotected sex with a woman who has one.

6 Hazardous Ingredients Hidden In The Modern Diet

The modern diet today has a lot of processed, packaged and GM foods, There are certain ingredients that can cause several health disorders lurking in today's diet. Refined sugar and salt are found in almost every food item and are known risk factors for diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. Similarly, soyabeans, additives, trans fats and GMO's are proven to be unsafe for human consumption.

Treating Attention-Deficit Disorders: The Importance Of Nutrition

Attention-deficit disorders, namely ADHD and ADD, affect one's ability to focus and be attentive. Ongoing research is looking into the link between nutrition and attention disorders. Deficiencies in zinc, iron, magnesium, and vitamin B6 are common in ADHD patients. Artifical colorings and additives might account for 10% of hyperactivity in children. Excessive consumption of simple sugar might worsen hyperactivity. Certain symptoms of omega 3 deficiency and ADHD are similar.
How to avoid adding extra sugar into your smoothie

7 Ways Sugar Is Sneaking Into Your Smoothie

There’s some hidden magical property blenders have which can make any ingredient delicious once it’s blended into a smoothie. How else could you explain...
Consuming natural sugars is healthy

The Truth Behind Healthy Sugar Intake

Avoiding added sugar is a no-brainer, but what about sugar in healthy foods? The fructose in fruits seems off-putting, but it's fine to eat 1 ½ to 2 cups of fruit each day. It has fiber, which will actually regulate blood sugar. Eating dark chocolate twice a week offers health benefits, while using honey in moderation is a natural way to sweeten food. Flavored and non-fat yogurt has added sugar so choose low or full-fat.

7 Reasons To Buy Your Veggies And Fruits Frozen

Frozen foods have always been considered less healthy than their fresh counterparts. But the recommendations are slowly changing as more and more studies are...

All You Need To Know About Erythritol

Erythritol, a sugar alcohol, is a commonly used ingredient added to foods that call themselves sugar free or ones that contain no added sugar....

How Artificial Sweeteners Are Associated With Weight Gain

Artificial sweeteners have been around for a few years now, helping you pamper your sweet tooth. If you have diabetes, then these artificial sweeteners let you eat sweet dishes without the guilt of raising your sugar levels. A popular diet myth is that switching to artificial low-calorie sweeteners will keep the extra pounds away. The truth is that while you save 30 odd calories for every cuppa sweetened with artificial sweeteners instead of sugar, your body feels cheated of the sugar fix the artificial sweeteners promise and you can end up gaining weight craving for more. 
(Candida is a type of yeast which has many varieties)

These 6 Healthy Foods Surprisingly Cause Candida Overgrowth

Candida is a type of yeast which has many varieties. And out of them, about 20 are known to cause health issues in humans....