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Turmeric can relieve pain caused by multiple conditions like arthritis, gout, or nerve damage.

Turmeric For Pain: Banish The Aches And Discomfort With The Golden Spice

Turmeric can help relieve pain associated with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, muscle pain, post-operative pain, and fibromyalgia. A bioactive compound called curcumin present in turmeric is thought to be responsible for this effect. You can take turmeric tea, milk, or extracts and apply a turmeric poultice to ease pain.

5 Amazing Benefits Of Turmeric For Skin

You might know turmeric as the yellow spice that gives curry its vibrant color. But turmeric does not just perk up your food! This...

The Story Of Turmeric

This year’s hottest new global beauty and health trend isn’t from your favorite mall or beauty salon but from your spice drawer. Turns out,...
Benefits of turmeric tea.

16 Benefits Of Turmeric Tea: Drink Up This Golden Remedy

Turmeric tea owes its superpowers to beneficial components like curcuminoids. It can ease pain, lower blood sugar and pressure, and relieve indigestion. It is good for your heart and can counter respiratory illnesses, allergies, IBS, and osteoarthritis. Add a pinch of pepper and some honey to your turmeric tea for a bracing immunity booster.

8 Benefits Of Turmeric For Diabetes Management

Turmeric can be a multi-pronged natural treatment for diabetes. Curcumin in it can lower blood glucose levels, improve insulin sensitivity, balance lipid levels, and counter inflammation. Turmeric can also prevent diabetes complications like coronary heart disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, diabetic neuropathy, nephropathy, and retinopathy.

3 Easy-To-Make Turmeric Shots For Gut Health

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that aid in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, inflammatory bowel disease, and ulcerative colitis. It also prevents colorectal cancer and maintains healthy gut flora. Combine turmeric with kombucha for a gut-healthy probiotic shot. Add it to ginger and apple cider vinegar to relieve stomach cramps, bloating, and nausea. Mix it with honey and black pepper to prevent flatulence and maintain gut health.

9 Ways Turmeric Can Prevent And Cure Cancer

Curcumin, a dietary polyphenol found in turmeric, can check free radical damage and chronic inflammation, two primary risk factors of cancer. It can also fight carcinogens like heavy metals, H. Pylori bacteria, and a few viruses. Curcumin can also prevent the formation of tumors, enhance apoptosis, cut nutrient supply to cancer cells, and prevent spreading.

A Pinch Of Turmeric A Day May Keep The Heart Doctor Away

A study involving 32 postmenopausal women found that consuming a teaspoonful of turmeric every day is just as effective as one hour of exercise in keeping the heart strong and healthy. Thanks to the presence of a compound called curcumin, turmeric is helpful in fighting inflammation and oxidative damage. Because of the relaxing effect it has on our blood vessels, it can also prevent clots that increase one's risk of stroke and heart disease.

4 Natural Aspirin Substitutes That Won’t Harm Your Stomach

Garlic can inhibit the progression of coronary artery calcification by stabilizing vulnerable plaque build-up along the artery walls, while boosting blood pressure and circulation. The presence of active compounds like curcumin in turmeric and eugenol in cloves has been shown to inhibit blood platelet-clotting while mustard oil has been shown to reduce overall bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.
Benefits Of Turmeric Essential Oil

10 Proven Health Benefits Of Turmeric Essential Oil

Turmeric oil can treat fungal skin infections when applied topically and relieve cough and asthma when used in a steam inhalation. Rich with antioxidants, it may also prevent cancer and support cell regeneration in those with neurodegenerative diseases. The oil also eases pain and inflammation, prevents seizures, prevents tooth and gum diseases, and fights arthritis.
turmeric for high blood pressure

Turmeric For High Blood Pressure: How The Golden Spice Can Help

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric may help you fight high blood pressure. Curcumin in it inhibits the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) which increases blood pressure. Aside from reducing high blood pressure, turmeric can also mitigate the damage caused by it. It can prevent damage to your arteries and any changes in your blood platelets caused by high blood pressure.

Get That Tan Out Of Your Hands With These 6 Easy Home Remedies

Summer is cheerful, but it can also worry your skin a lot. In this season of the year, the heat of the sun robs...

To Live As Long As The Japanese, Eat These 5 Foods

The Japanese, on an average, have a life expectancy of 83, which is the highest in the world. And their lifespan is linked to their food habits. To live a long, healthy life, eat foods that make up a major portion of the Japanese diet. Include lots of fermented and pickled foods as well as seafood in your diet. You can also cook your food in olive oil and drink matcha tea.

5 Benefits Of Combining Turmeric And Honey

Turmeric and honey have been used for thousands of years, individually and together as a blend, to treat various health conditions in auyrvedic medications and in other traditional medicine systems. They are loaded with different beneficial properties that can prevent and treat some cancers, improve brain functions, treat respiratory problems, and even help enhance skin health. Learn how to prepare this potent blend of turmeric and honey.

Turmeric: The One Spice Your Face Mask Needs

Turmeric isn’t just a tasty culinary spice. On the skin, its active compound curcumin destroys acne-causing bacteria. It’ll even speed up wound healing by inducing skin growth factors. If your skin is flaring up, turmeric will soothe inflammation. The antioxidant properties are also handy for warding off UV-induced photodamage and skin cancer. To make an easy mask, simply mix ¼ teaspoon turmeric with 1 tablespoon honey. Spread on the skin and wash off after 5 minutes.