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Natural First Aid Kit To Keep Handy This Summer

The plants all around us can help us heal ourselves, if we only know how to utilize them.

Natural First Aid Tips For 29 Common Summer Complaints

Here are some natural first aid tips to help you and your loved ones make it through a summer of fun and adventure!


1. Bee Stings

Remove the stinger. Apply mud, clay, papain or baking soda mixed with apple cider vinegar. Take homeopathic apis.

2. Bleeding

Apply pressure to or above the wound. Apply crushed yarrow, shepherd’s purse leaves, or cayenne pepper.


3. Broken Bones

After receiving medical attention, take nettles, oatstraw, and horsetail internally. Take homeopathic symphytum and a calcium supplement.

4. Bruises

Apply cold water and vinegar compress. Take homeopathic arnica internally and use it topically as well. But, never apply arnica topically in an open wound, only on the surrounding area.


5. Burns

Soak in cold water first. Then apply lavender oil,  peppermint oil, aloe juice, cold tofu slices or cucumber slices.

6. Chemical Exposure

Eat Miso soup with sea vegetables. Take a chlorophyll and an antioxidant supplement. Drink teas of red clover, dandelion root, and cleavers.


7. Chiggers

Shower after exposure. Then apply castor oil, cooked oatmeal, or a charcoal poultice.

8. Cuts And Wounds

Clean well. Apply a salve containing calendula, comfrey, goldenseal and/or vitamin E.


9. Fainting

Hold your head between your knees. Take deep breaths of peppermint or lavender essential oils.

10. Food Poisoning

Take an ume concentrate, charcoal capsules, and/or 1 T. apple cider vinegar and 1 T. honey in a glass of hot water.


11. Fungal Growths

Refrain from eating sugars and drinking juices. Take an acidophilus supplement internally. Soak the area in water with apple cider vinegar. Apply tea tree oil.

12. Giardia

Internally use grapefruit seed extract, an ume concentrate, garlic capsules, an artemesia annua tincture and/or acidophilus supplements.


13. Heatstroke

Drink plenty of water and cooling teas such as peppermint, raspberry leaf, and hibiscus. Drink a vitamin C or electrolyte beverage.

14. Mosquitoes

Take garlic capsules and a B-complex supplement internally. Apply citronella, tea tree, and eucalyptus essential oils topically.

15. Muscle Injury

For soreness, add 15 drops rosemary oil to bath. Implement R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation). Take homeopathic arnica internally and use it topically as well. But, never apply arnica topically in an open wound, only on the surrounding area.

16. Nausea

Drink teas of peppermint, ginger, or cinnamon. Take an ume concentrate.

17. Pain

Take a valerian, turmeric, bromelain, skullcap, boswellia and/or white willow supplement. Take homeopathic arnica internally and use it topically as well. But, never apply arnica topically in an open wound, only on the surrounding area.

18. Poison Ivy/Oak

Shower immediately after exposure with an antibacterial soap. Take homeopathic rhus tox. Apply Swedish Bitters, apple cider vinegar and/or a baking soda paste.

19. Poisoning

Call 911 or Poison Control first. Then take a syrup of ipecac if vomiting is suggested. Then take charcoal capsules to adsorb toxins.

20. Rash

Avoid fruits such as citrus, strawberries, and mangoes. Use homeopathic urtica. Apply apple cider vinegar or oatmeal in the bath. Apply aloe to the skin.

21. Scars

Take vitamin E internally. Apply aloe juice and vitamin E topically. And avoid sun exposure until the wound is healed.

22. Shock

Take the flower essence blend called Rescue Remedy. Take homeopathic arnica and keep the person in shock warm. Get medical attention immediately.

23. Snakebite

Rub garlic oil on your legs to repel the snakes. Use an echinacea supplement internally if bitten, and apply a salt pack. Get medical attention immediately.

24. Splinters

Numb the area with ice and remove the splinter with a sterilized needle and with a pair of tweezers. Take homeopathic ledum and cover with a drawing clay if the splinter persists.

25. Sprains

Implement R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation). Take homeopathic arnica internally and use it topically as well. But, never apply arnica topically in an open wound, only on the surrounding area. Take a tumeric and bromelain supplement.

26. Stress

Breathe deeply. Take a B-complex, L-theanine  valerian, and/or GABA supplement. Add 15 drops lavender oil to a tepid bath. Take the flower essence blend Rescue Remedy.

27. Sunburn

Shower after exposure. Drink lots of water. Add apple cider vinegar to a cool bath. Spray on aloe vera juice.

28. Ticks

Remove with disinfected tweezers. Grasp near head and pull straight out. Apply an echinacea extract topically and take red root internally.

29. Travellers’ Diarrhea

Take an ume concentrate, charcoal capsules, and/or acidophilus supplement. Avoid drinking any fruit juice. Eat bananas, rice, applesauce.

Here’s sending you blessings and wishing you a safe and wonderful summer!

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