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10 Skin Conditions That Can Be Controlled But Not Cured

Some skin diseases can be controlled but not cured

We all long for clear skin with that perfect amount of glow. And to achieve this, we resort to various products like cosmetics, face treatments, and homemade remedies. Combined with our lifestyle, this makes our skin vulnerable to allergies, irritation, and just an unhealthy look and feel.

Some skin conditions, no matter how hard you try, cannot be completely cured. But don’t be disheartened, because there definitely are ways to do some damage control right at home. Here are 10 skin conditions that cannot be reversed, but managed with natural home remedies.


1. Eczema

It is a common skin condition that involves inflammation of the skin. The causes include food allergies, environmental factors, and even stress! Eczema can be easily controlled with steroids (as pills or cream) or antibiotics. However, it will reappear immediately after you stop using these medications.

Listed below are few home remedies that might help fight eczema:


2. Psoriasis

Psoriasis causes scaling, swelling, and red patches on the skin. The severity of this condition can be decided only through proper medical diagnosis. It usually responds well to topical and systemic treatments like salicylic acid ointment, steroid creams, retinoids, and aloe vera.

Some of the other effective natural remedies are listed below:


3. Acne

Nobody goes without experiencing acne at least once in life, and this is probably in their teens. Acne occurs due to blocked hair follicles, oil glands, or even hormonal imbalances. They can appear anywhere on the body and, if left unchecked, can spread further. While dermatologists suggest a few effective creams, here are a few home remedies that can also help:

4. Rosacea

A flushed out feeling, redness, swelling of the skin, thick skin, pimples, and the appearance of small red lines under the skin are all symptoms of rosacea. It may arise due to a compromised immune system, environmental problems, or vein inflammations. Antibiotics like metronidazole cream, doxycycline, or beta blockers are usually suggested as remedies. And some preventative measures include avoiding hot showers, exposure to the sun without protection, alcohol, and even hot and spicy foods.


Additionally, you can try some natural remedies:

5. Stretchmarks

Stretch marks appear when the thick tissue beneath the skin, called the dermis, stretches and tears as your physical appearance changes. Also known as striae, the stretch marks are mainly scars and cannot be removed completely. Most treatment options like cosmetic fractionated lasers will sweep clean your bank account. Instead, try these DIY remedies:


6. Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis occurs due to an allergy to plants or any kind of material such as jewelry, soaps, bleach, and latex. The only way to prevent and control this is to avoid contact with the trigger. You can consult your doctor to figure out what causes the irritation.

There is no permanent cure for this, but the symptoms can be controlled by steroids, colloidal oatmeal baths, or the following tips:


7. Under-Eye Bags

Under-eye bags are a common sign of stress and make you look forever tired, no matter how well-slept you are. They are caused by the protrusion of fat in the lower lids and may increase with age. According to researchers, eye bags cannot be completely removed. While cosmetic eye masks might reduce the effect, the puffiness will not disappear.

So let’s see how to control the sagging with a few natural remedies:


8. Keratosis Pilaris

Though the name doesn’t sound familiar, you would probably recognize it by its appearance. It looks like acne but consists of rough, dry bumps that have dead skin cells wound in the hair follicle. It is a genetic skin condition that cannot be reversed. Here’s what you can do to bring it down a notch:

9. Melasma

Melasma is the dark pigmentation of the skin and can be caused due to either genetic conditions, exposure to the sun, or hormone imbalance. It can persist for a long period of time and has no permanent cure. However, here are a few home remedies that can tone down the skin deterioration:

10. Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a skin condition that causes a loss of skin pigmentation. This leads to white spots or patches, creating an uneven skin tone. It is a genetic condition that cannot be eliminated. But the condition, fortunately, is painless and non-contagious.

Here are a few natural ingredients you can depend on to control the severity of vitiligo:

Even though these skin conditions have no proven, permanent cure, there is no reason to feel disheartened if you suffer from any of these. These remedies may just prove effective in controlling your condition and giving your skin a healthy glow.

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