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Five Red Flags That Indicate It’s Time For A Social Media Cleanse

Five Red Flags That Indicate It’s Time For A Social Media Cleanse

Social media websites and mobile apps have got us hooked and we may not have even realized it. Statistics reveal that the average user spends over two hours a day on social media and that a third of all internet use is on social media. It’s all alright until it reaches a point when the excessive usage begins to affect your health, state of mind, and level of physical activity. Here are five signs to let you know that you might be in too deep and that it’s time to get out while you still can.

1. The First Thing You Do The Moment You Wake Up Is Check Your Phone


What is the first thing you do the moment you open your eyes after a good night’s rest? If you’ve answered “check my notifications on Facebook”, you might be in need of a social media cleanse. According to statistics published in the consumer mobility report by the Bank of America, “Smartphones are the most important thing on our minds when we wake up. More than one-third (35%) of respondents reach for their mobile device first thing, ahead of coffee (17%), their toothbrush (13%) and even their significant other (10%).”

2. You Fall Asleep With Your Phone In Hand


If the last thing you do before falling off asleep is browse what your “friends” have done during the day, then you might need a social media cleanse. “Nearly one-quarter (23%) of Americans have fallen asleep with their smartphone in their hand. That number is nearly double (44%) for younger millennials (ages 18-24).”

3. You Feel Like Your Life Is Not As Exciting As Your Friends’ Lives


Does looking at your “friends” statuses and many accomplishments make you feel bad about your own performance in your life? If yes, then you might need to reevaluate some things. Research authored by Hui-Tzu Grace Chou and Nicholas Edge in Cyber-psychology, Behavior, and Social Networking states: “The multivariate analysis indicated that those who have used Facebook longer agreed more that others were happier, and agreed less that life is fair, and those spending more time on Facebook each week agreed more that others were happier and had better lives. Furthermore, those that included more people whom they did not personally know as their Facebook “friends” agreed more that others had better lives.”

4. You Spend Over A Fourth Of Your Day On Social Media


If you spend over a fourth of your day checking social media, it may begin to affect your health and social interaction. “When they don’t have access to their smartphone, many respondents feel anxious (29 percent) and bored (22 percent). Younger millennials experience the strongest range of emotions.” Also, “Nearly half (44 percent) of Americans use their smartphone to escape a social interaction, with millennials most likely to do so at 71 percent.”

5. You Pay A Lot Of Attention To The Number Of Likes Your Post Gets


So you’ve posted a cute picture of yourself. What do you do next? Do you move on with your life or do you wait for the likes to come up? Is the number of likes you get important to you? If it is, chances are that you may be looking for some sort of validation and social acceptance through this medium. If you find that you have the compulsive need to post all your activities on social media, it’s essential to ask yourself why you’re doing it. Chances are your sense of self-worth is dependent on what other people may think of you. If this virtual appreciation stops, it may begin to affect you. It is therefore essential that you go through a social media detox before making your next post.

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