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How Sex May Change For Men As They Age

No one can really be well prepared to deal with aging, a process that can be fairly unkind to us. It’s difficult to be aware of what exactly to expect as the years go by. We just sit back and watch as we put on weight, our hormones go awry, our hair becomes brittle, and our skin loses its elasticity. Unfortunately, Time doesn’t spare our sexual function either.

While erectile dysfunction isn’t inevitable, there is no denying the fact that there is still an increasing prevalence of it with every passing decade. About 40% of men aged 40 years suffer from erectile dysfunction. Thereafter, for every ten years, another 10% find themselves unwillingly joining the club. What makes this even more frustrating is the fact that even though other aspects of sexuality suffer a decline, the libido remains pretty much the same. This means there are more aged men with a high sexual drive, but with no means to release it. Less sexual activity may even lead to disuse atrophy, a condition in which the penis becomes smaller in size.


Learning how your erection may change as you grow older could help you be better prepared to deal with the problem, in case it happens to you. You may take better care of your health and diet, and consult your doctor for help on how you may further prevent this from happening to you.

How Your Sexual Function May Change As You Grow Older

Age is not really the ultimate factor that decides whether you should have erectile dysfunction or not. So even though we’ve broken down your erection behavior by the decade, bear in mind that these are general trends and that your body may be different from that of the rest in terms of genetics, lifestyle, etc. There are, after all, 30-year-olds suffering from sexual problems and 70-year-old men who perform in bed even better than they did when they were young.


Here’s what you can expect of your sexual function as you grow older, generally speaking.

1. Age 30-40


This is when things start to change so slowly, you may not even notice the difference. You’re just as sexually active, but you may not be as obsessed and sex may not seem as all-consuming as it used to be. While you still get quality erections, they may not be as frequent and spontaneous. You may need a fair amount of stimulation to become fully erect, unlike before when even the slightest provocation was enough to get you fired up.

You will continue to wake up in the middle of the night with a rigid penis and still wake up with a “morning wood”. You will even have intense ejaculations and orgasms, though you may notice your organ being slightly less powerful. Also, it will take longer for you to get erect again after you’re done ejaculating.


2. Age 40-50

After you cross 40, the changes become more obvious to you. Your interest in sex will have decreased quite a bit. Though you can still get an erection good enough for penetration, it requires a lot more tactile stimulation as compared to before. However, your erections don’t have the perfect angles like they used to, and sometimes you may even lose the erection before completing the sexual act. Your orgasms and ejaculations are not as intense, and getting an erection after climax doesn’t only seem difficult, but may also seem like something you’re no longer interested in pursuing.


3. Age 50-60

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You still have an interest in sex but it is fairly diminished. Your erection gradually loses its majestic demeanor, though is still respectable and functional. Touch is definitely something you will need for arousal. Erections at morning and at night become much fewer in number. While the frequency of intercourse declines, the frequency of premature ejaculation increases.

Your orgasms and moments of climax will be much less intense and sometimes you’ll feel as if nothing even happened. The volume of semen that you ejaculate will be much less and it will dribble with much less force and even lesser trajectory. Getting a second erection after climax seems more of a task and you’d rather just go to bed.


4. Age 60-70

Your testosterone level has nosedived over the decades, and this is probably the reason for your diminished sexual desire. With a certain amount coaxing, you can be coerced into having an erection that’s still suitable for penetration, but not quite the upright pole. There will be times your penis will be unable to focus, leaving the task incomplete. Night time and early morning erections, and spontaneous erections will become much rarer. Ejaculations will no longer feel as explosive and you will be unsure of whether you’ve even climaxed. Because of the low semen volume, ejaculation will only consist of a few drops oozing out of your penis. You’re also eager to pass when it comes to a second round.

5. Age 70-80

There is still some sexual desire left in you though it’s nothing like what it used to be in your youth. Your penis needs a lot more physical coaxing to get it to rise to the occasion. The quality of your erections will have deteriorated considerably, and though your penis will be full, it will lack in rigidity that would once make penetration such a joyful walk in the park. At times, you may be able to obtain a partially inflated erection that is incapable of penetration no matter how hard you try to push or shove or manipulate it. And while there are ways to stimulate a limp penis till it climaxes, the intensity of pleasure is going to be far, far less.

6. Age 80-90

Most men in this age are no longer able to have sex, and have to thank their lucky stars that they at least have penises that allow them to stand to urinate – a feeble yet probably the only way they can still feel “manly”. Unfortunately, even this is often compromised if the prostate gland (don’t forget – it’s aging too!) wraps itself around the urinary tract making it difficult for you to pee. In addition to this, your spouse, who has been post-menopausal for so many years, has a very weak sex drive. Her vagina will refuse to become as wet as it used to before, making sex much, much more difficult, if not impossible.

7. Age 90-100

At this age, you will just be grateful that you’re still alive and have lived such a long life, so sex is most likely going to be fairly low on your list of priorities. You’re happier off living through pleasant memories of your life, though chances are your memory will be quite weak at this point.

How Can You Make Your Erectile Function Last Longer?

Fortunately, with the help of a few healthy lifestyle changes, you can maintain a good erectile function even when you’re in your prime.

For starters, exercise plays a very critical role in helping to maintain your muscles. The stronger your muscles get, the better your chances are at reversing those unwanted conditions that come with aging. Exercise your pelvic muscles and keep them well in shape – for it is this particular muscle group that helps control erectile function. Joining a pelvic muscle exercise program once you reach your mid-30s will help you have healthier and long-lasting erections even when you get older.

Remember, diet plays an important role in muscle building and staying fit, so start eating healthy as early as you can. Eat lots of fruits, plenty of leafy greens, cut out refined carbs as much as possible and stick to whole grains. Never make the mistake of leaving out healthy fats from your diet though, for monounsaturated, polyunsaturated fats, and omega-3 fatty acids are vital for keeping you energized and healthy.

The best practice is to not leave things for the last minute. Start early and aim to stick to your healthy lifestyle every day without fail. Chances are when age comes knocking on your door, you won’t even be able to tell much difference!

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