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No Procrastination: A Master Class

No Procrastination A Master Class

No Procrastination A Master Class

I am the QUEEN of procrastination. I am soo good at it. If there was a school of procrastination, I could totally write the curriculum and teach it as a master class. The problem is who the heck wants to be good at procrastination?

Procrastination is simply creation on hold. It’s all that you want to get done, to accomplish and to enjoy– it’s all of that juicy goodness on pause.


For me procrastination stems from my desire to make things perfect and to please everyone. That’s a pretty lofty expectation I have for myself and procrastination protects me from the letdown of things being imperfect and not everyone liking, loving or accepting what I do. It becomes this big messy ball of enormous pressure. So I freeze, feel overwhelmed and do anything other than the thing I know I need to do…and let’s be real, the internet and social media has made that pretty easy to do.

So what if I became the Queen of ‘No procrastination’ instead? What if I became the Queen of ‘Flow’? What would that look like? Hmm I’d be focused and getting things done. I’d be totally okay with imperfection. And while I genuinely want everyone to love what I offer, to find benefit in what I have to share, I would understand (and be okay with) that just not being reality.[pullquote] For me procrastination stems from my desire to make things perfect and to please everyone. That’s a pretty lofty expectation.[/pullquote]


So if I were to write the curriculum and teach the master class on flow, what would that look like? Well, for starters we would all take some time to approach our procrastination with some loving curiosity. What is this about? In what ways is this behavior protecting you? How is procrastination helping you?

Next up, think about what it is that you would like instead? Do you want to get more done? Have more space in your schedule to relax? Show up on time? Once you are clear on what it is that you want, you can then identify an action step. Choose one that is small, safe and reasonable and commit to taking that one action step regularly. Find an accountability partner or a friend to check in with to help you stay on track.


Then give yourself a big hug, high-five or thumbs up and say THANK YOU awesome self for doing such a great job protecting me. But I have really great news, I’ve got this. Really, I do. I know what I want, I know what I’m protecting and I know what I can do instead.

No Procrastination Master Class Recap

1. Identify how procrastination is helping or protecting you
2. Get clear on what you want instead
3. Pick a next best action step
4. Connect with an accountability partner
5. THANK your awesome self and offer some reassurance


Let’s be accountability partners for one another – meet me at the Balance & Thrive Facebook page and let’s create a community of support and stretch. Share how we can all show up for one another!

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