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Looking Through A Different Lens To Know The Pain Of Birth

The discomfort a woman experience during childbirth is inescapable—but, the question is, is it the good pain or the bad pain that she undergoes during her delivery?

Pain, as always has been, is an indication of something that is harmful to us. If you touch a hot pain, the burning sensation gives you pain. Falling down gives you pain—basically, all the unpleasant experiences can be associated with pain, which is our body’s way to caution us.


However, the pain of birth is different from its peers. To understand this we must know why the pain happens.

The mother experiences the first bouts of pain when the contractions begin. This happens when the muscles in the uterus contract, causing the cervix to open. The pain could be felt in the lower abdomen or lower back.


As the labor progresses to the second stage, the baby descends lower in the birth canal and their weight starts putting pressure on the mother’s pelvic organs—the bladder and the rectum.

Finally, when the birth is taking places and the baby is squeezed out of the vagina, the stretching causes a burning sensation in the nether regions.


However, looking at the process above, the pains don’t seem to harm the mother. The initial level of pain is an indication that the body is starting to prepare for the labor and birth. As the baby sets on its way, the mother again experiences strong contractions. The pain comes in bouts, giving the mother some time to rest and collect herself in between.
The pain of childbirth marks the arrival of your baby. This is nowhere similar to the pain experienced during an injury or an illness.

Now, that you know this pain isn’t a negative one, you must know how to deal with it, since it is created out of a necessary cause and effect and is completely natural and harmless.


How To Deal With Pain

All of us have to cope with pain some way or the other. To deal with the pain of childbirth, you must first understand your body and how it functions to prepare you for birth.

Develop a realistic picture about the birthing experience. Know that the pain you feel cannot be eliminated, but can be subsided for some time or dealt with. Fear can make your body tensed and increase the level of pain, which in turn causes more fear and the cycle continues.


Fear can make your body tensed and increase the level of pain, which in turn causes more fear and the cycle continues. Don’t feel nervous about it—these pains and contractions are normal and are experienced by all birthing mothers. Express your pain, ask for emotional support when you are going through the tougher part of the experience—hire a doula or have your close ones around.

Ways To Reduce Pain

There are various methods to minimize the pain at various stages. If you have been to prenatal yoga classes, you will know of certain relaxation techniques to help you keep calm instead of fretting when the pain strikes.
These techniques teach about muscle relaxation, breathing techniques, promoting relaxation through visualization and massage therapy—keep them in practice to prepare yourself for the D-day.


Know what makes you feel comfortable—sometimes, sitting, standing, walking could be helpful in alleviating the pain rather than lying on your back throughout the labor. Try different positions for labor—use a birthing ball, lie on all fours on the ground or lean against your bed, supported by pillows.

Ask your nurse to allow you to move around and help you choose a comfortable position. Some hospitals even allow you to give birth in a different position other than lying on the bed.
Here are some positions to ease the labor and birth.


In some hospitals, movement can be restricted due to constant fetal monitoring or intravenous (IV). Ask for timely monitoring instead of a continuous one and a saline lock over IV.
Discuss your birth plan with the doctor and nurses well before your delivery.

Stay hydrated. Your uterus is a muscular organ—to reach their maximum ability they need plenty of oxygen and water.

Prefer hydrotherapy. Take a warm (not hot) shower—let the warm water fall on your back or your abdomen. Ask someone to apply warm or cold compresses on your back. Ask your partner to massage your back and gently provide a counter pressure on the back or hips to ease the pain.

When the baby is descending, the mother feels excess pressure in the pelvis. The pressure also causes the mother to push down the baby when the contractions occur. Listen to your body and follow the contractions to contribute to the downward movement of the little one. Your doctor or midwife will guide you on when to push and when to relax and breathe.

At the time of birth, when the crowning happens, the stretching or the vagina can cause burning pain and sometimes, even perineum tearing, A warm compression on the perineum can give some relief while the doctor asks you to slow down the pushing to avoid any tears.

During labor, if you feel the pain becomes unbearable, don’t simply endure it because you must. Ask your doctor to provide you with pain-relieving drugs like an epidural or spinal. Rest until the effect wears down and start again.

Childbirth pain is very different from all other types of pain that humans experience. Know that, in no way, will your body inflict unnecessary pain or cause you harm.

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