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Lies Your Subconscious Brain Secretly Tells You To Prevent Your Wildest Dreams

You are programmed to think you are not capable of achieving your dreams)

Our minds are one of the most beautiful creations of the world. Its powers are limitless, but we are programmed to believe otherwise. The subconscious mind is like a computer that takes the different aspects of life, compiles it, and turns it into something that is easy for us to understand. When it does this, it creates barriers that prevent you from achieving what you can truly achieve. You end up wasting your time on trivial activities instead of going out there and achieving your wildest dreams. Here are some lies your subconscious mind is telling you to prevent you from achieving your wildest dreams and how to upgrade them.

1. I Am Not Analytic Enough To Be The Best


Being analytic does not mean being able to comprehend difficult or complicated data that is involved in rocket science. Everyone has talent in some kind of analysis. Analysis means breaking something down to its simplest parts in order to create something different and amazing. It is also about making complete sense of all those parts. Artists can analyze the shapes of an object in order to create wonderful paintings, speakers analyze the psychology involved in learning so that they can mold their presentation in such a way that everyone understands, and a musician analyzes different notes in order to create mesmerizing tunes. By ignoring your analytic skill, you lose your ability to make sense of the world. You need to change your mindset and should be open to inviting subconscious analysis into your conscious mind. Then only will you be able to see how talented you really are.

2. I Am Too Fat For That


In many situations, your body image may be the main thing that is holding you back from achieving your wildest dreams. You may not wear a certain kind of outfit or may be afraid to stand in front of a large crowd because you are embarrassed about the way you look. You need to stop doing that immediately. Your body weight or shape does not define who you truly are, but how you treat your body does. You need to treat your body with respect and should work on becoming healthy. Eat better or work out, not to look good for others but to feel good about yourself. When you become healthy, you will have the energy and the confidence to work on and finish your dream projects. Listen to your body and thank it for what it has done for you. Only then will you be able to achieve a lot more than you initially thought you could.

3. I Have Too Much Pain In Life. I Can Never Be Successful.


If you think of these 2 sentences often, then you are lying to yourself so that you can lie around on your couch all day doing nothing. If you have dreams in life then you need to start thinking differently. Success never came to anybody who blamed others or themselves for the pain they have to go through. Everyone has to deal with some kind of pain in their lives, but successful people don’t let such pain hold them back. You need to start loving and accepting yourself. The way you deal with such pain makes all the difference. In fact, pain is what can propel you forward to achieve success.

4. The Last Time I Tried Doing Something I Looked So Stupid. I Can’t Do It Again.


The fear of making a fool of yourself and caring too much about what others feel about you are the biggest obstacles that can come between you and success. If everyone cared about what others thought about them, no one in this world would be successful. If you like doing something, go ahead and just do it. You won’t know unless you try, and you can’t be better at it unless you keep doing it over and over again. Instead of feeling guilty, be thankful you got an opportunity to try something new. Thankfulness neutralizes guilt.

5. If I Had Chosen A Different Major In College, I Would Be Earning A Lot More


You may have planned your life out in a certain way and being rich is definitely included in the plan. If you do not achieve what you want when you want it, you end up blaming the line of job you chose. You may see your friends being successful, and you sit back and regret not choosing a different field of study. But who knows, you may have fared worse in that other field. You need to have patience and should make the best of what you have. Stop calculating and comparing yourself to others. Love yourself for who you are and where you are. You are not worthless and what you want in life will come your way if you stop complaining and start working hard.

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