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How To Walk To Create Wellness

walk for wellness

If you watch other people walk, you may notice that some of them swing their arms but a few don’t. Some take long strides and some take short little shuffling steps, more like gliding than walking. Their feet barely lift from the ground.

The people who barely move their arms and legs when they walk are suffering from movement dysfunctions. But you can learn how to walk with your whole body in a way that creates wellness!


There was a time when I had definite movement dysfunctions. I realized this when I was walking with my friend. I turned my face to talk and noticed that while my feet were at the same place as his, my head and upper body were a good solid twelve inches farther forward than his head. That was before I knew what I know now but I became aware that I had a problem!

Actually, I had more than one problem. My body was twisted to one side because of scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and a short leg and my flat feet pitched me forward. No wonder I suffered from really bad migraine headaches all the time.


So I learned how to walk. I also got a lift for the shoe of my short leg. Much better!


When you walk correctly, it’s a beautiful thing. Your arms swing at your sides easily and comfortably. Your legs move in a smooth, graceful rhythm. There is no strain in your neck or in the muscles on the tops of your shoulders.
If you watch small children or toddlers walking, you will see that they hold their head right over their body. It balances perfectly on their spine. The curves in their spine support their ability to walk.

When we get older, we sometimes fall into all types of bad postures, slumping and slouching. We try to fit into furniture that doesn’t fit us or drive cars that force our heads forward. Some of us actually get ‘stuck’ in those poor positions — our muscles become used to being in those positions.


But bodies can change. You can learn how to walk to create wellness!


Here’s the plan:

You will discover how to walk with your body tall and proud (even if you are short.) You will learn how to move your arms to propel yourself most easily through space. And you will learn how to use your feet and legs efficiently. If any of these movements feel uncomfortable or unnatural to you, it is because your body is used to working incorrectly.


Don’t force the movements as your body will adapt over time and the movements will become easier. When you are standing and walking straight and strong, with your head over your body like that toddler, it takes the strain off your back muscles. It also takes pressure off your lungs, stomach, and intestines.

Ways To Walk Correctly

What Happens To Your Body

When you walk correctly:

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