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Tips To Make Your Nails Grow Faster

how to make your nails grow faster.

[pullquote]Your nails won’t grow overnight. On an average, fingernails grow about 3mm a month while toenails grow just about 1 millimeter.1[/pullquote]

Long, shiny, healthy nails are often just as important as a glossy mane or the perfect dress when you’re trying to make an impression. But beyond that, they also reflect how your body’s feeling. Made of dead skin cells and a protein called keratin, nails grow depending on factors such as genes, nutrition, and hormones. Some natural and environmental factors also affect nail growth. For instance, age and serious illnesses can slow it down while hormonal changes before menstruation and during pregnancy appear to spur growth.


Nails also tend to grow faster in hot weather, probably because all metabolic processes quicken in the heat. While it may not be practical to move to the tropics to make your nails grow faster, there are a few things you can try if your nails break off too soon or take forever to grow back.2 3 Fair warning, though: don’t expect dramatic results in a jiffy!

1. Rub Your Nails Together

[pullquote]If you’ve lost a fingernail because of injury, it will take around 5–6 months for it to grow back. A toenail will take even longer – over 18 months.4[/pullquote]


Stimulating your nails may encourage healthier and faster growth. Here’s an exercise that you can try every day.

2. Buff Your Nails

If you’ve ever used artificial nails, you’d have noticed that your nails grow at a faster rate immediately after the artificial nails are applied. This spurt in growth is caused by stimulation due to buffing. Stimulating circulation in the area of your nail bed and matrix improves the supply of nutrients, removal of waste, and encourages growth. But take care that you don’t thin your nails excessively or generate too much heat during buffing – this can cause your nails to split.6 And in case you’re wondering – wearing artificial nails is not a good idea as they can damage your nails and make them brittle, thin, and dry when used often.7


3. Tap Your Fingers

Another way of stimulating nail growth is by gently striking your nails against a hard surface. So tapping on a keyboard, playing the piano, or just drumming your fingers on the table may all help your nails grow faster.8 Take care not to do this with too much force, though, or you’ll end up chipping your nails.

4. Have A Healthy Balanced Diet

As with the rest of your body, an unhealthy diet can reflect poorly on your nails too, affecting their texture and growth. While how fast they grow is not solely linked to a specific mineral, vitamin, or diet, having a healthy balanced diet is important for the health of your nails. A range of nutrients may have a part to play in keeping your nails long and sturdy.


5. Take Care Of Your Nails So They Stay Long And Sturdy

Healthy nails are beautiful nails. And proper nail care can go a long way towards making sure that your nails don’t break off or split. Follow these tips to look after your nails so that they stay long and beautiful:



1 Amazing facts about your skin, hair, and nails. American Academy of Dermatology.
2, 16 Carlson, Karen J., Stephanie A. Eisenstat, and Terra Diane Ziporyn. The new Harvard guide to women’s health. Vol. 1. Harvard University Press, 2004.
3 O’Rahilly, Ronan, R. Swenson, F. Muller, S. Carpenter, and B. Catlin. “Basic human anatomy.” Philadelphia: WB Saunders 162 (1983).
4 Amazing facts about your skin, hair, and nails. American Academy of Dermatology.
5 Newman, Marian. The complete nail technician. Cengage Learning EMEA, 2004.
6 Newman, Marian. The complete nail technician. Cengage Learning EMEA, 2004.
7 Artificial nails: Dermatologists’ tips for reducing nail damage. American Academy of Dermatology.
8 Doherty, Bridget. And Julia VanTine. Growing Younger: Breakthrough Age-defying Secrets for Women. Rodale, 2001.
9 Omega-3 Fatty Acids: An Essential Contribution. Harvard College.
10 Hochman, L. G., R. K. Scher, and M. S. Meyerson. “Brittle nails: response to daily biotin supplementation.” Cutis 51, no. 4 (1993): 303-305.
11 Calcium Fact Sheet for Consumers. National Institutes of Health.
12 Vitamin D. National Institutes of Health.
13 DK. Neal’s Yard Remedies Beauty Book. Dorling Kindersley Ltd, 2015.
14 Turner, Lisa. Perfect ten. Better Nutrition, Jun 2002.
15 Should I Take a Vitamin for Brittle Nails?. The New York Times.
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