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10 Healthy Resolutions You Need To Follow in 2017

A new year means you get to start a brand new chapter in life. Make it a healthier and happier one. Make the new year a special year for you.

Here are the only resolutions you need to keep for the new year.


1. Reduce Your Sugar Intake

One of the best things you can do for your body is reduce sugar from your diet. This means refined sugar, sodas, and artificial sweeteners. There are plenty of reasons to kick it out of your meals, including harming almost every organ of your body. Just by taking control of your sugar intake, you are reducing chances of heart disease, obesity, tooth decay, high cholesterol levels, and general fatigue.


Cutting refined sugar out of your life is as difficult as it is addictive. But there are other ways to satisfy your sweet craving. Cinnamon, honey, and stevia are great substitutes. When you have trained your mind to resist a sugar call, your body will soon wake up feeling fitter and active.

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2. Go Out More Often

Getting some fresh air and spending time outdoors help you to rejuvenate both the mind and body. It’s healthy for the brain and it helps with reducing stress. And let’s not forget, you feel happier. The more you head out the door, the more you become physically active. Also, spending time outdoors, especially with nature, can get you to heighten your focus because your mind is clearing out all the clutter and noise. So, get some sun.


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3. Quit smoking


Most of us are aware of the reasons why smoking is the worst things you can do to your body. You are hit by early signs of aging, wrinkles pop up, your skin loses its texture and becomes almost gray, and your lungs suffer the most. Did you know there are about 4000 chemicals in tobacco smoke? If you’re looking for a fresh start, this is what you’ve been waiting for.

Get on the gum, eat fruits, hangout with nonsmokers, practice meditation, get support, do what it takes to let your lungs breathe.


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4. Save Money By Being Active


Most of us can’t be bothered by a walk to the supermarket. The concept of lack of time can make people feel like they need to speed things up. Whenever and wherever you can, walk. It saves you money and you squeeze in a little workout between errands. The more you walk, the more active you become, and you feel happier. Save up the money every month you would normally use for transport.

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5. Spend More Time Thinking About Happy Things

Have you observed your thoughts? Are they more on the happy or the negative side? One study claims that 80% of our thoughts are sadly, negative. Stress eats away a lot of precious time in our heads. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get out of it. Clean up your mental chatter by changing your focus. You would see your life changing when you focus on more happier and positive thoughts rather than emotionally draining and negative thoughts. If you’re having trouble, look at things (or people) and try to find something good. A new year calls for a stronger and happier you!

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6. Take Time Out To Pamper Yourself

Promise yourself that you would spend time focusing on you. Whether it is shopping alone, taking a stroll in the park, listening to your favorite music, getting your hair colored, going out of town – do things that make you happy and alive.

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7. Learn Cooking

Grab a cookbook or print out recipes from the internet, cooking is the new cool thing to do. The chances of eating healthy increases because you are in better control of what goes into your body when you are the one who runs the show. Besides think of all the money you will save up when you don’t get food delivered.

Fall in love with veggies, experiment with fruits, find interesting ways to eat something you usually don’t eat, mix spices, and just keep practicing.

8. Declutter Your Room

There is a reason why your parents were behind you to clean up your room. Making your bed first thing in the morning is one tiny thing that instantly brighten ups the room. It gives you that push to be more organized throughout the day.

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9. Learn Something New

Learning something new is always good for you. It keeps your brain healthy by engaging in a healthy activity. It could be a new language or a musical instrument or learning to create art. Besides stimulating your brain, you feel relaxed and you find new ways to relieve stress. Also, it makes you look good! Make your “me” time special.

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10. Hangout With People Who Make You Happy

It’s important to stay away from toxic people, people who aren’t supportive, who let you down, and spill negative energy. Spending time with people who are positive, caring, and supportive can give you better mental and emotional health.

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