Expert Interview with Lee Dennis, ND: How to Care for Your Thyroid?

Q: Once diagnosis proves that one suffers from hypothyroidism, what are treatment alternatives one can opt for?

There are many treatment options available for hypothyroidism. Most commonly patients are treated with a synthetic thyroid hormone replacement or dessicated pig thyroid. Some patients respond better to dessicated pig thyroid even though it’s not as commonly used anymore. While either of these can help to effectively treat the symptoms of hypothyroidism, it doesn’t get to the cause.

Nutrient deficiencies can often be a contributing or causative factor in hypothyroidism, therefore nutrient supplementation can be helpful. These may include iodine, selenium, zinc, copper, vitamins A, E, C, B­2, B3 & B6, tyrosine and essential fatty acids. Eliminating allergenic foods can also be helpful. The most common culprit in cases of Hashimoto’s disease tends to be gluten.


Additional supplements that can improve hypothyroidism include DHEA for Hashimoto’s, guggul (Commiphora mukull) for mild cases and bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosis) when iodine deficiency is present. Physical activity can also help to improve thyroid function and maintain a healthy metabolic rate.

 Q: What are the remedies available for people suffering from hyperthyroidism?

Hyperthyroidism can be treated symptomatically with drugs and herbs. Drugs such as methimazole or propylthiouracil can help because they prevent the thyroid from making thyroid hormone and thereby decrease symptoms of hypothyroidism. Other drugs such as beta-blockers or calcium channel blockers can also help to relieve symptoms. Some herbs can be used to relieve the symptoms of hyperthyroidism as well. Common herbs include lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), bugleweed (Lycopus virginianus) and motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca). It is important to avoid stimulants, such as caffeine, which could make symptoms worse. Additionally, stress management is huge for preventing and treating hyperthyroidism. This could include healthy sleep patterns, meditation, progressive relaxation, breathing exercises and avoidance of stress triggers. Homeopathy can sometimes be curative in cases of hyperthyroidism. Which remedy is used is going to depend largely on the individual being treated and their specific symptom picture. It is not uncommon to see the iodum family of remedies indicated in cases of hyperthyroidism.


Hyperthyroidism can have some dangerous complications, so if it doesn’t resolve or cannot be well managed, ablative therapy may be indicated. This involves using medications or surgery to destroy all or part of the thyroid gland. Individuals that have ablative therapy performed subsequently need to take thyroid hormone for the rest of their lives in most cases.

 Q: Thanks Dr. Dennis for providing these valuable pointers. What would you recommend our readers to follow to maintain a healthy thyroid balance?

Diet, physical activity and stress management are important factors for overall health, including maintaining healthy and balanced thyroid function. Nutrients such as iodine, selenium and zinc are some of the more common deficiencies involved in thyroid problems, so eating foods high in these nutrients will be helpful. These may include sea vegetables (kelp, nori, hijiki, arame, wakame), meat, brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds among others. Daily physical activity is good for maintaining a healthy metabolism and healthy thyroid and good stress management can help prevent problems as well.


Energetically speaking, the 5th chakra, located at the base of the throat, may also influence thyroid function. This chakra has to do with faith and communication. Singing and chanting are beneficial to the 5th chakra as is connecting with your own inner truth and having the freedom to speak that truth.