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10 Easy Yoga Asanas That You Can Practice During Pregnancy

1. Utkatasana (Trimesters 1 and 2)

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Also known as the chair pose, this asana stimulates the muscles in your lower body. It tones and strengthens your thighs and legs. During pregnancy, owing to the extra weight you carry, this pose can increase the blood circulation and reduce or prevent any swelling.

Stand straight, place your legs slightly apart with your hands hanging by your side. Tighten your thigh muscles and gently bend your knees. Lower your glutes (buttocks) like you’re sitting on an imaginary chair. Inhale and raise your arms over your head. Hold this position for a few seconds and keep your breathing steady. Make sure you have some support such as a wall or a chair beside you in case you need balance.


2. Virabhadrasana I (Trimesters 1, 2 and 3)

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The warrior pose I as it is called, shapes your upper body. It strengthens your spine and opens up your chest to balance the weight of the uterus. It also helps you focus more and relaxes you.

Place your feet hip-width apart and turn your left foot while your right foot is facing forward. Make sure your left foot arches in line with your right foot. Lift your arms above your head and look straight. Hold the position as long as you can. Repeat with left foot forward. Practice close to a chair or wall in case you need support. Also, as your pregnancy progresses, lessen the widening of your feet to reduce strain on your pelvis.


3. Virabhadrasana II (Trimesters 1, 2 and 3)

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Warrior pose II is similar to warrior pose I and helps your upper body. This pose works on your spine, legs, chest and back. It lets your balance your weight and that of the growing baby efficiently.

Widen your legs hip-width apart and twist your right foot with toes pointing outward. Use your heel for support. Now place your left forward and bend your left knee slightly. Stretch out your arms and make sure they’re in line with your shoulders. Look straight and breathe steadily while you hold the pose until you’re comfortable. Repeat with the other foot. Practice close to a chair or wall in case you need support. Also, as your pregnancy progresses, lessen the widening of your feet to reduce strain on your pelvis.


4. Trikonasana (Trimesters 1, 2 and 3)

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Mainly for strengthening your legs and improving blood circulation throughout your body. The triangle pose (trikonasana) improves blood circulation, thereby ensuring your baby receives all the nutrients and also eliminates toxins. It helps stretch your back and make your body more flexible. Since this pose makes your more energetic and refreshing, it helps with morning sickness in early pregnancy.

With your feet slightly apart, raise your arms parallel to the ground with palms facing down. Turn your left foot at a 45-degree angle and the right at a 90-degree angle in such a way that, the heels are in a straight line. Slowly twist your body to the right and bend down to the floor. Let your right hand touch the right foot and keep your left hand raised upwards. Turn your head to the left and breathe steadily. Hold until comfortable. Repeat same on the other side.


Don’t put any extra strain on your back or abdomen when doing the asana. Reduce widening of legs as pregnancy progresses.

5. Utthita Parsvakonasana (Trimesters 1, 2 and 3)

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The extended side angle pose is beneficial during the last trimester of pregnancy as it reduces swelling of your feet. It opens up your chest and hips, stimulates the abdominal organs, and improves blood circulation. Furthermore, it relieves constipation, which is one of the major symptoms of pregnancy in the 1st trimester.


Place your feet hip wide apart, twist your right heel and point your toes outward. Use your left heel for support. Your left heel should arch in line with your right foot. Lower your hips slowly and stretch your arms out. Bend down and touch your right foot with your right arm. Keep your left arm extended upwards. Turn your head to the left and hold until comfortable. Repeat the same on the other side.

Don’t put any extra strain on your back or abdomen when doing the asana. Reduce widening of legs as pregnancy progresses.


6. Bitilasana (Trimesters 1 and 3)

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Similar to most yoga poses, the cow pose relieves the pressure the weight of abdomen adds to your spine. It stretches your spine, allows for blood circulation and spinal fluids. In the first trimester, it also helps relieve morning sickness. Whereas, in the third trimester it helps to turn your baby in the right direction preparing it for labor. However, it must be performed under the supervision of a yoga instructor.

It is generally done along with the cat pose (Marjariasana). Kneel on your fours and lift your chin up. Inhale and lift your head upwards as your back curves into a convex position. Now, inhale and lift your spine upwards so that it becomes concave. Bring your chin downwards to your chest. alternate the two in coordination with your breath.


Make sure you don’t feel any strain on your back or abdomen when you perform this pose.

7. Balasana (Trimesters 1, 2 and 3)

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The baby pose is more for relaxing rather than shaping. It relaxes your back and mind without putting any pressure on your abdomen. It flexes your internal organs, reduces stress in muscles, and improves blood circulation. It helps fight against dizziness, fatigue, and nausea in your first trimester of pregnancy.

Kneel down, bring your feet close and widen your knees. Rest your buttocks on the heel of your feet and sit on your thighs. Bend your upper body and let your forehead touch the ground. You can either stretch your arms outward or place them by your side with palms facing upwards.

Make sure you don’t feel any strain on your back or abdomen when you perform this pose.

8. Malasana (Trimesters 1, 2 and 3)

The garland pose works mainly on the legs, hips, and thighs. It strengthens them to support your growing heavy abdomen. Furthermore, it widens your hips and opens up the pelvic area preparing you for labor.

Squat on the floor, using your heels for support. Keep your feet together and lift your body putting your weight on the heels. Bring your palms together at the center and rest your elbows on your knees. Use your elbows and push your knees as wide as you can. Hold the pose till you’re comfortable.

Make sure you don’t feel any strain on your back or abdomen when you perform this pose. Use pillows to support your hips as your pregnancy progresses.

9. Baddha Konasana (Trimesters 1 and 3)

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Irrespective of your pregnancy, the butterfly pose improves the reproductive health of women. This pose mainly stretches your hips and opens up your pelvis. If done regularly under supervision, it can help you have a much easier labor.

Sit down with your legs stretched forward. Then fold your knees and join your feet at the center. Sit straight and hold your feet with both your palms. Make sure you are comfortable and feel no pressure on your back or abdomen. Hold the pose for a few seconds. Release and repeat.

Make sure you don’t feel any strain on your back or abdomen when you perform this pose. Use pillows to support your knee as your pregnancy progresses.

10. Shavasana (Trimester 1, 2 and 3)

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The corpse pose can be practiced all through your pregnancy. You might need supervision during the first trimester as you may lie flat. In the second and third trimester lie on your left side under supervision. It mainly calms your mind and boosts your energy instantly. It helps in fighting fatigue that you may experience during pregnancy. Every time you feel low or experience pregnancy symptoms like nausea and morning sickness, do this asana.

Lie flat on your back with your palms resting at your sides facing upwards. Close your eyes and relax while you breathe steadily. Try to keep your mind empty.

You can place a pillow between your thighs and under your hips during your second and third trimester for support.

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