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Cancer Aiding Alkaline Diet Tips To Read Now

Cancer-fighting comes from what we eat to how to eat it, with pH levels and an alkalinity watch being crucial to the process. So here is your essential know-how on what these alkaline rich foods are and what to avoid.

Healing of any form begins in what we put in our gut and how we internally heal ourselves through what we eat. No matter how serious or minute that illness is, pH levels in our bodies play a core but downplayed role. Moreover, cancer patients should also be similarly advised about the kind of dietary alterations they need to make so their bodies can be supplied natural and vital ingredients to bolster healing.1


One such dietary plan would be to consume an ‘alkaline diet’, which means, their diet will include vegetables, fruits, protein and grains, with a lower consumption of fatty, sugar-ridden, including ready-to-eat meals such as ones that are microwavable, processed, packaged with artificial additives, which are quick and easy but detrimental to the body’s vital functions and cause inflammation.

Taking a page from the ancients who ate everything au naturel, here are a few tidbits for every cancer patient to enable their body’s pH levels to help them heal: the fresh and organic way.


Basics Of An Alkaline Diet

When there is a rise in the levels of intracellular pH levels, this also creates a conducive environment for malignant cellular activity to foster, usually beginning with inflammation. This is a consequence of those processed meats and lazy to-go meals from mini-marts that we so heavily rely upon. To healthily improve the intracellular pH levels, do try consuming more organic produce raw if possible, be it fresh vitamin C ridden fruits such as lemons and oranges, dry fruits and low-sugar fruits such as dried apricots, herbs and spices, garlic and onions, leeks, asparagus and chives, broccoli and cauliflowers, cabbages and darker greener leafy vegetables, root veggies such as sweet potatoes and beetroot, beans, peas, lentils and pulses, seeds and nuts and non-gluten based grains such as rice, Cancer patients should enjoy whole, non-gluten grains such as rice, millet, broken-wheat such as, quinoa, as well as buckwheat, amaranth and millet. In terms of organic meats get some fresh and clean fish especially salmon, farm-grown chicken and grass-fed red meats, of about an ounce or two per day. It can be a lot to remember, but try fusing them all into one dish or as a meal plan, with about a cup or two of each per day every day. Besides having at least 3 to 4 liters of fresh clean water, you can try turning some of that fresh produce especially greens into smoothies or a few glasses of fresh and warm lemon, carrot and/or beetroot juice, for the best effects. With no black-tea ever, have some gently brewed green tea or make your own organic brew with ginger and peppermint tea either drank hot or cold.


The Oils To Use

Make sure the only oils in your cancer diet pantry are coconut oil, olive oil and avocado oil, which are organic and naturally pressed. With natural ant-bacterial properties, these oils are potent healers, cancer fighting and anti-inflammatory too. The oils to chuck away are canola oil, rice-bran, soya, corn, and even sunflower. These are basically marketed as natural but come from genetically modified plants (GMOs) and promote cancer cell growth, especially margarine and hydrogenated oils, which hinder intracellular communication required for smooth physical functioning.


Lower Or Stop Consuming These

Lower your sugar, gluten, dairy, alcohol and caffeine intake. Cancer cells are said to thrive on sugar and increase its rate of growth, which is quite easily promoted with a high-sugar diet including the natural sugars that come from fruits, honey and agave. The rise in sugar in the body, increases insulin levels and suppresses immunity activities, reduces the body’s magnesium levels (the powerhouse mineral for our cells health) and instigates malignant cancer cell growth. The largest source of this sugar is said to be high fructose corn syrup, which is riddled with a mercury driven processing method and very bad for our bodies. Gluten-rich grains, on the other hand, stimulate inflammation. These include, rye, wheat, spelt and even whole grains used to make foods such as cereals, pasta, baked pastries such as cookies, biscuits, cakes, etc. Watch out for added sugar to anything that claims to be gluten-free as well. Cut down on dairy too, especially cow dairy, which has something called casein protein, found more so in yogurts, milk powder and cheese made from processed and not fresh milk, known to hinder the body’s natural cancer-fighting properties. In general, dairy is a big no-no for a cancer patient’s diet, although debatable considering how chemo can reduce the bone density and strength with some much-needed calcium intake. However, dairy has in fact been known to cause inflammation and on the contrary, reduces bone density, because of the difficulty it takes for the stomach to digest dairy products. Put a ban on booze for a bit because, processed packages, frozen and even canned drinks, as they are wealthy sources of artificial sweeteners and sugars which create a lot of acid in the gut. Lower or totally take out coffee from your daily diet or at least make it a cup per day, if you must.

You Do Not Have To Stop Eating Out With These Tips

After a whole cancer-fighting meal regimen been handed to you, controlling the alkalinity of the food you eat out can be hard. But not necessarily. Here is what to watch out for. For example, you can always trust a good vegetable or green or fruit salad when eating out, making sure it has those greens, carrots, cherry tomatoes, and the like with a dash of extra virgin olive oil, pepper and a squeeze of lemon. Likewise, some Japanese sushi’s vegetable rolls along with some gluten-free soy sauce, a pot of freshly brewed green tea and crunchy seaweed wrappers (anti-oxidant rich). Italian and Indian food also features a variety of vegetarian options including lots of cancer fighting ingredients and spices. However, do request for food cooked in organic oils and not the processed ones usually used. For Indian food, go for khichdi or dal chawal (cooked or prepared lentils and rice) to go with some vegetable biryani rice, avoiding all the breads, which are gluten rich. Italian food however is heavy on the gluten and dairy, so do go for some homemade tomato-based marinara, Pomodoro or olive-oil and garlic-based aglio olio with some omega 3-rich meats, boiled veggies, all heavy with herbs and lemon. With a reluctant but needed no to those dairy rich deserts and garlic bread basket.


Whether we are sick, healthy or even a cancer patient going through chemotherapy, the pH levels in our gut are quite an essential need-to-know, but little discussed for optimizing our health, so do give these a try and see how you feel.

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