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The 5 Worst Nutrition Myths You Should Stop Believing

Nutrition Myths That Are Completely False

Everyone wants to live a healthy, long life. However, the right way to go about this is not as straightforward. People are constantly bombarded with different information from competing sources. However, not everything you hear is actually true. Many health facts you believe in might actually have no scientific basis at all. These five nutrition myths are widely believed, but also completely false.

Myth 1: Soy Is Healthier Than Meat


For most vegans, getting their daily requirement of soy is difficult as most complete proteins come from animal sources. Soy however, is one of the only plant based sources of all essential proteins. Because of this, soy often becomes a vegan’s primary protein source. Vegans often claim that soy is actually healthier than meat and contains more nutrients. However, this isn’t true. What soy does contain, is glyphosate (a genetic modifier) and high levels of phytoestrogen. The combination of these two can disrupt your body’s natural hormone cycle, hinder healthy fetal development and reduce fertility levels.

Myth 2: Kale Is Healthier Than Other Leafy Greens


The world’s collective obsession with kale began sometime around 2015, with everyone hailing it as the healthiest green yet. However, this isn’t actually true. Kale is undoubtedly packed with nutrients, but it’s far from being the most nutritious leafy green. Gram for gram, spinach actually contains more nutrients than kale does. That’s right, trusty ol’ spinach is actually better for you than its glamorous cousin, kale. In fact, even Romaine lettuce contains more nutrients than kale. So if you can’t stand the bitter flavor of kale, don’t beat yourself up about it.

Myth 3: Table Salt Is Completely Bad For You


Table salt has been linked to high sodium and blood pressure. While salt does cause these problems, it only occurs when consumed in excess. A normal pinch of salt in your food won’t really affect your health at all. However, if you routinely eat fried food and chips, then you stand to face the actual dangers of high salt consumption. Moreover, many people try to avoid table salt by using sea salt instead, thinking it’s healthier. This is completely untrue. While sea salt does have trace amounts of magnesium, it doesn’t contain much to actually make a difference. Table salt is much healthier since it is fortified with iodine, a compound your body desperately needs.

Myth 4: Low Fat Foods Are Good For Weight Loss


If you pick low-fat foods thinking they’ll help you lose weight, you’re in for a surprise. Low-fat foods actually have no real weight loss benefits at all. To make up for the lack of fat, most manufacturers simply add compounds like maltodextrin. These compounds are simple carbs or synthetic sugars which actually make you put on more weight. The safest thing to do is to avoid all items that say ‘low-fat’ or ‘fat-free’ on the label. Most times, good sources of fat are beneficial to your body in small amounts. The additives in low-fat food will sabotage your diet a lot faster.

Myth 5: Food Insensitivity Causes Weight Gain


Dairy and gluten have recently become scapegoats for weight gain. People claim that gluten sensitivity and lactose intolerance can make a person pile on pounds because their body can’t process it. However, science paints a different picture. When your body can’t process food, it stresses your digestive system and the food passes through your body undigested. While this may cause discomfort, it is impossible for it to lead to weight gain. If your body cannot break down something, how can it convert it into calories?

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